Monday, March 3, 2025

Local Artist Spotlight – Susan Stone

Our fourteenth featured artist in the Coronado Spring Banner Series is Susan Stone. Her banner, Dawn Patrol, was located between 7th and Orange Avenue. Banners in this series were on display through June.

There is no doubt Susan Stone is inspired by color. She is constantly experimenting with various techniques, mixed mediums, and color.

Susan grew up on the East Coast. Her father taught her how to stretch and prepare a canvas. Her mother’s passion for visiting art-filled museums together fed Susan’s creative fervor. As an art instructor, sharing her talent gives students the confidence to push themselves creatively.

Living close to the Pacific Ocean and the desert has been a gift to her and doubles her inspiration to paint. Susan sets out early to capture the colors of the coast. On long drives in the desert and hikes near New Mexico, she gathers her subject matter.

“I love color and what I can do with it. I love mixing color up in buckets and pouring it out on my larger pieces. Getting on a ladder and pouring out the paint just means FUN!”

Susan Stone’s Coronado Arts profile:

Susan’s email: [email protected]

Visit Susan’s website:

Susan on Facebook:


2021 Celebrate Coronado Artists Banner Series on Orange Ave


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