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Coronado’s #1 Digital Newspaper Since 2002
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Your local Coronado news team. Scroll down to read more about our staff.

The Coronado Times is Coronado’s leading online newspaper. Our mission is to make Coronado smarter and better connected while being fair and accurate in our Coronado coverage. Our writers are local, intentional, conversational and committed to truth telling in our coverage. We are Coronado’s trusted news source and have been covering the “island” for over 20 years.

We work with dozens of local and national brands to deliver trackable traffic and quality leads to our partners.  Hundreds of readers also support our publication as paid subscribers.

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The Coronado Times
826 Orange Avenue #494
Coronado, CA 92118

Your Local Coronado News Team (Bios Below):

Megan Kitt, Publisher & Owner
[email protected]

Megan has worked as a reporter for more than 10 years, and her work in both print and digital journalism has been published in more than 25 publications worldwide. She is also an award-winning photographer. She holds BA degrees in journalism, English literature and creative writing and an MA degree in creative writing and literature.  She believes a quality news publication’s purpose is to strengthen a community through informative and connective reporting.

Megan is also a mother of three and a Navy spouse. After living around the world both as a journalist and as a military spouse, she immediately fell in love with San Diego and Coronado for her family’s long-term home.

Read Megan’s published stories.

Dani Schwartz, Managing Editor
[email protected]

Dani’s background includes a unique combination of physics, information technology, marketing, and serving diligently as the “grammar police” (her self-appointed title) at many past positions.

Originally from upstate New York, Dani has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the “island.”

Jonathan Withers, Director of Sales & Business Development
[email protected]

Jonathan has worked in the media and advertising world most of his professional career working with major ad agencies and media companies. His passion is now utilizing this experience working with local community based businesses.

Originally from the UK, Jonathan has lived in San Diego for 30 years and has two daughters that were raised in Coronado. In his spare times he enjoys surfing, fitness and travel.

Jennifer Velez, Reporter

Jennifer fell in love with Coronado as a teenager while visiting a college friend. She vowed that someday she would make it her home, and that dream has recently become a reality. Fast forward through completing college with a BA in Journalism, Public Relations and Communications, she then went on to work with a variety of clients. She also taught Journalism and coordinated fundraising for her children’s school, and was a staff writer for San Diego Family Magazine and contributed to other parenting publications.

Much of her inspiration for writing comes from a love of travel, which started when she got the opportunity to go to Brazil as an exchange student. It continues today as she travels with her family on a variety of adventures from camping trips through national parks to safaris in Kenya, never without a good book in hand.

Read Jennifer’s published stories.

Christine Van Tuyl, Reporter

Christine was born and raised in Texas, but moved to Coronado with her family as a teen in 1993. Although initially horrified by surfers, flannels and skateboards, she ultimately grew to love all things So-Cal. A graduate of UCSD, Christine got her first writing job on the KUSI ten o’clock news while simultaneously juggling a reporter position at the San Diego Community News Group. She worked as a public relations professional, a book editor, real estate professional, and a freelance writer before eventually succumbing to motherhood in 2008.

A decade later, Christine resurfaced to start the Island Girl Blog, a Coronado lifestyle blog. In addition, she writes a monthly page for Crown City Magazine. Christine loves hanging out with her husband, Ian, and their two spirited daughters, Holland and Marley, who attend Village Elementary and Coronado Middle School. When she’s not working, you’ll find her practicing yoga, spilling coffee at school drop off, meeting friends for sushi, or sailing the Bay with her family and English Bulldog, Moshi.

Read Christine’s published stories.

Jeannie Groeneveld, Reporter

Jeannie is a retired Naval Aviator and Public Affairs Officer whose post-Navy career includes freelance writing, PR Consulting and a two year stint as the San Diego Padres Military Affairs Advisor. Having been stationed in various parts of the country including Washington D.C., Florida and Hawaii, Jeannie appreciates how amazing the Coronado community is and loves the experience her children have had growing up here.

Jeannie earned her BS in Marine Biology from Auburn University, her MS in Global Leadership from the University of San Diego and her MA in Communication and Media Relations at San Diego State University. A life-long learner and avid traveler Jeannie enjoys writing travel pieces, Navy stories and anything else that will broaden her perspective. When she is not working you will find her watching her boys play sports, walking Odin at dog beach, hiking, playing beach volleyball or spending time with the family.

Read Jeannie’s published stories.

Lisa Lamb, Reporter

Lisa’s passion for sports journalism stems from her experiences playing tennis and running track, and reading great sports journalists, especially those who write about her favorite basketball team, the San Diego State Aztecs. As a professor of mathematics education, she enjoys analyzing data to highlight the statistics that help bring the story to life.

Lisa has lived in Coronado for almost 20 years with her husband and son. She loves the friendly neighborhood community and the walkable access to wonderful restaurants and parks.

Read Lisa’s published stories.

Alyssa K. Burns, Reporter

Alyssa is a graduate of Coronado High School and was in the founding broadcast journalism class at CHS. She earned her BA in Communication from CSU East Bay and completed her MBA from CSU San Marcos.

Her passion for writing and interest in the behind the scenes of business, leads her to write frequently about Coronado businesses. You can find Alyssa walking around the ferry landing with her shih-tzu terrier or enjoying a cup of coffee at one of Coronado’s favorite cafes.

Read Alyssa’s published stories.

Clyde Van Arsdall, Reporter

Clyde is a trained chef that has worked in hospitality for nearly 40 years. In addition to cooking, he is a freelance food writer and storyteller. Clyde is a third-generation Coronado local CHS graduate and father of three. He owns and operates Olive Avenue Supper Club, a boutique catering company specializing in culinary experiences. You can follow his culinary journey on Instagram @oliveavenuesupper.

Read Clyde’s published stories.

Elsie Hammond, Reporter

Elsie is a stay-at-home mom with an MBA, managing two kids, a husband, and a mini-Aussie. She moved to Coronado Cays in 2012 with her family by way of US Navy. She has lived in the Philippines, Japan, and Hong Kong and several states in the good old USA.

Elsie enjoys traveling, hiking, golfing, skiing, Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP), and playing tennis. She also likes taking pictures with her iPhone and posting about them on her personal social media pages. She was a monthly contributor to Cays Living Magazine and has had several of her photos and stories published in various magazines and newspapers.

Read Elsie’s published stories.

Caroline Minchella, Reporter

Caroline was 15 years old when her family moved to Coronado. Though she was a “transplant”, Caroline found a home in the Coronado community near-immediately: she became an intern for “The Coronado Times”; helped reinstate the CHS newspaper, “The Islander Times”; was a volunteer dog-walker for PAWS; and a faithful Concert in the Park attendee.

After completing her BA in English at the University of California Santa Barbara, she went on to craft answers for Amazon Alexa devices and write creatively on the side. Fast forward seven years, Caroline is thrilled to return as a Reporter for “The Coronado Times.”

Read Caroline’s published stories.

Contact Points:

Story Ideas/Tips/Questions:  [email protected]
Letters to Editor: 
Submission Guidelines & Contact Info
Advertising / Media Kit:
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Payments: The Coronado Times
826 Orange Avenue #494
Coronado, CA 92118