Monday, March 10, 2025

Lamb’s Players Theatre Celebrates 92118 with $10 Off for Coronado Residents

$10 off tickets for Coronado residents for any performance in September

The gorgeous Irish musical ONCE has been San Diego’s biggest summer hit!
Extended Again & Again – Must Close Sept 16

An amazing 16-week run. Patrons continually calling it one of the very best pieces of theatre they have experienced. And during September LAMB’S is celebrating 92118 and giving Coronado residents $10 off on tickets.

To get this discount Coronado residents can use code 92118 at checkout online or when calling the LAMB’S Box Office 619.437.6000 (Tue – Sat, noon to 7)

Tickets must be purchased by a Coronado resident. Must show gov ID with Nado address when picking up tickets. Not valid with any other discount or toward previously purchased tickets.

CRITIC’S CHOICE!  Once might not be enough times to see it!”  ~ James Hebert, San Diego Union-Tribune

The cast is phenomenal!”  ~ Pat Launer, Times of San Diego

FABULOUS!”  ~ Scene by Jeni Prisk

NOT TO BE MISSED!”  ~ Chris Kelly, Coronado Times


P.O. Box 182229 • Coronado CA 92178  •


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