Sunday, March 2, 2025

Foreseeable Consequences to Closing Off A, B and C Avenue

Letters to the Editor submitted to are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of

Coronado TrafficIn the 11 years that we have lived on E Ave. between 3rd and 4th Streets we have read and watched with great interest the discussions and opinions expressed about Coronado’s growing traffic related issues. The likely proposal to close off, once again, A, B and C Ave. from 3rd St. to 4th St. has prompted this letter.

As the City already knows from our history with this very issue, such a closure leads directly to the movement of the traffic from those streets to D Ave. and E Ave. What has changed a bit since the last attempt to move traffic around the island (as opposed to expanding inquiries into other well-thought out suggestions to actually SOLVING some of the problems) is the obvious impact on: (a) the fire station at D Ave. and 6th St (b) the expanded senior center at D Ave.and 7th St. (c) the schools, particularly the high school and (d) the library.

From a safety perspective, the channeling of additional traffic onto D Ave. and E Ave. at 3rd St. leads directly to KNOWN dangerous issues at the above four established and important resources in our community. Delay in response from fire and ambulance and likely accidents at the schools, the expanded senior center and library are all foreseeable consequences of the changes being discussed.

Let’s not go backwards and put our community at greater foreseeable risk. I would ask the members of our City governance to drive the streets and review all the ideas that have been proposed over the last couple of years (some of which involve lengthy and difficult conversations with the Base and State Highway Dept.) and not create significant new potential liabilities for our City.

Thank you,
Dick and Debbie Yetwin

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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