Submitted by Chuck Charter and Patti Flores-Charter
We were exhausted by the divisive city council election.
We are asking that on Dec. 17 at the City Council meeting, the candidate who came in 3rd be appointed [to the seat vacated by mayor-elect John Duncan]. This race was incredibly close for 2nd and 3rd place. This appointment would respect our voters and reject partisanship in our city governance. There is no valid reason not to do this unless there are behind the scenes machinations at work. Our town deserves the clear will of the voters be respected.
We feel the best path forward for the City Council to end all controversy in this election is by appointing the 3rd place candidate or hold a special election. The cost of an election is worth the trust and healing it would provide.
Chuck Charter
Patti Flores-Charter
This is a fantastic and realistic suggestion on all counts. The election was exhausting and unaccountably partisan. The “also ran” is competent and qualified. Why not soothe the waters and do the sensible thing. Nothing to be gained by yet another election!!