Submitted by the family

Hi there family and friends,
I am writing this in the first person as I have been notoriously negligent in expressing my thoughts and feelings. They have always run deep, I think, and have always been tempered by the “Golden Rule,” which my father told me would serve me well. And, I think it has, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
As they say, you can take the boy out of the “farm,” but you can’t take the “farm” out of the boy. My parents shared in the operation of a farm in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin with my paternal grandparents during the first years of my life. I have always thought that that must have influenced the rest of my life and my love of animals and farming. Three other influences on my life were my sisters. Having three was a “trial” at times, but they each brought something very special to my life.
Arriving in Fallbrook, California at the age of four, I completed grade school and high school there. Then, with a degree in zoology from San Diego State University I was accepted for the Navy’s Officer Candidate School and spent my first snow/ice/sleet winter in Newport, Rhode Island. One of my treasured memories is that my parents were able to see me receive my commission.
Following tours of duty in the West Indies and the east coast, I relocated back to Southern California. Working as a civilian at the Naval Air Station, North Island, putting my zoology degree to maximum use as a personnel management specialist?! I also affiliated with the Naval Reserve and pursued both of those careers to retirement.
While living in Coronado, I was lucky enough to meet and marry the love of my life, Betty Ann (blind date arranged by our sisters). I was blessed to have her by my side as we raised two wonderful children Christopher and Karyn. My kids were all that I could have asked for and with Betty Ann, they completed my life and gave it purpose and meaning. A wonderful bonus happened when Salena and Gonzalo joined our family, marrying Christopher and Karyn. That again, a blessing, resulted in our wonderful grandchildren Christopher David, Mia Stella Ann, and Ahni Luca.
His family also wishes to add that he thoroughly enjoyed volunteering in his beloved Coronado after his retirement. Some of his many joys in life were his long-term association with Coronado Rotary (he was named Rotarian of the year in 2008), being a volunteer with the Coronado Historical Association, the Red Cross at North Island Naval Air Station, and last but not least, with the Coronado Hospital’s Meals on Wheels program and at their Second Best Thrift Store.
A Celebration of Life will be planned for this fall.
Submitted by the family
Dave and I became friends in 1984, while working on a navy-wide project together. He embodied the definition of “class” and “gentleman.” Whenever the core team was in San Diego, he and Betty Ann had us over. I remember Karyn modeling her little pink tutu for us when she was only five. On one trip, a childhood friend flew in to spend the weekend with me and Dave insisted on picking her up at the airport. Another time, we were in D.C. on my birthday and he made sure we went to a nice restaurant to celebrate. We had corresponded at Christmas for many years, but unfortunately, hadn’t been in touch for awhile. For some reason, he was strongly on my mind this season and I was so sad to discover he had passed away. This world has lost a wonderful man. Rest in peace, my friend 🙏.
David was the kindness man. I know , everyone says that. But he REALLY was. I only briefly met him through friends Irma Dayton & Whin Prescott at the Coronado shores. I saw him several times through dinner party’s, etc.
He always brought a flower for every lady at the table.
Once in the post office he told me I had nice green eyes. I was stunned by attention to detail he had.
He was just genuine soul 🥰