The Coronado Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting will be held on Dec. 1, the first Friday in December. In preparation for the event, the Rotary Plaza tree lights will be installed on November 7 and 8, and if necessary 9. To wrap the tree, crews will work between the hours of 10 pm and 5 am for safety measures and to avoid disrupting morning commuters. Residents in the area will be notified and the city thanks nearby residents for their patience during this project.
Last year, the City, Coronado Chamber of Commerce and Coronado MainStreet collaborated to bring new lighting to the majestic pine in Coronado’s downtown. With funding from the City and Discover Coronado, they introduced two miles of new, colored lights – the same length as San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge!
Mark your calendars for Friday, Dec. 1 when festivities kick-off at 6 pm with the Holiday Parade, followed by the lighting of the tree.
2012 vs 2022

Coronado’s 2022 Holiday Parade & Extra Special De-Light-“Full” Tree