Monday, March 10, 2025

High School Students Invited to Enter Rotary Speech Contest – Deadline Jan. 31

Coronado Rotary Four-Way Speech Contest Offers Students Cash Prizes and Opportunity to Strengthen Speaking Skills

Coronado High School and CoSA students in grades 9 through 12 and high school students who live in Coronado are invited to enter the 2020 Rotary International Four-Way Test Speech Contest. The deadline for entries is January 31, 2020.

Benefits of participating in the competition include learning how to prepare and present a speech, being at ease and confident in front of an audience, and sharing a subject the speaker is passionate about. Feedback from students indicate that they feel better prepared for college interviews or at other times when they need to make a good presentation.

The Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest encourages high school students to prepare and give 5-7 minute speeches that apply the Four-Way Test to everyday activities and issues.

The Four-Way Test asks the following four questions of the things we think, say, or do:

Rotary Four-Way Speech ContestParticipants have an opportunity to choose subjects they are passionate about and present their speeches for judging at Rotary Club preliminary competition on February 5 and 6 in the Black Box Theater at CHS. Coronado Rotary Finals will be at the end of February. Regional Finals in March/April and District Finals in April 2020.

For additional information, visit the Rotary Club of Coronado website at and click on 4-Way Speech Contest.2019 Rotary Speech contest


Related:  2019 Coronado Students’ Speech Performances Shine; Impress Audience

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