Monday, February 24, 2025

Lions Club Student Speech Contest – Registration Deadline Feb. 13

Lions Club International, one of the largest service organizations in the world, will be sponsoring their annual speech contest, inviting high school students to speak on an issue. This year, the Lions Clubs of California have chosen to give interested participants the following prompt: “Freedom of the Press; What Does it Mean?”

The Coronado Lions Club will be hosting the speech contest at their club level and sends out the following message to all high schoolers in Coronado and Imperial Beach:

On Wednesday, February 20th, at 7:00 pm, the Coronado Lions Club will host its Annual
Student Speaker Contest at the Winn Room of the Coronado Library, 640 Orange Avenue. This year’s topic is: Freedom of the Press; What Does It Mean?

Students residing in Coronado or Imperial Beach or attending any Coronado or Imperial Beach School in grades 9-12 may compete. The speech should be between 5 and 10 minutes long. The speech does not have to be memorized at this first club level.

The Lions Clubs of California Speaker Contest began as an attempt to bring the widely
dispersed Lions Clubs in the central region of California together to jointly promote the skills of public speaking in high school students. The contest provides an opportunity for students to develop independent thinking about a pressing problem in today’s world. Besides encouraging self-expression, the research the student speakers conduct helps promote a variety of solutions to shared problems.

The contest will start at 7:00 pm. The Club level winner and each finalist shall receive a cash prize. The winners of the club level contests go on to compete until the final rounds at the state level where winners earn college scholarships. This year the Student Speakers Foundation will provide scholarships totaling more than $103,500. Registration deadline is February 13th. Students wishing to register should email their name, phone and grade level to Lion Susan Valko at [email protected]. Anyone with questions about the contest should contact the Coronado Lion Club Speaker Contest Chairman, Susan Valko at 619-987-4998 or Vice Chairman Carrie Downey at (619) 507-3603 or [email protected].


Andres de la Lama
Andres de la Lama
Andres is a senior at Coronado High School and has written for the Islander Times and The Coronado Times throughout his high school career. He has also been a proud part of Coronado’s Days for Girls chapter and this year’s president. Andres aspires to be a screenwriter will go on study creative writing in college. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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