Friday, March 14, 2025

Cops and Robbers: Bank Account Hacked for Online Transactions (6/21/17-6/30/17)

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing The Coronado Times with the below information (partial list):


6/27/17-6/28/17: Petty Theft near 300 block of F Avenue
Unknown suspects entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle, removed property, and then fled in an unknown direction. The value of the property taken was approximately $308.

6/27/17-6/28/17: Grand Theft Property near 300 block of F Avenue
Unknown suspect took a ceramic plate carrier and car radio out of a vehicle parked at the location. The vehicle was not fully secured. The total loss was approximately $2802.

6/26/17: Malicious Mischief/Vandalism (Felony) near 700 block of F Avenue
Unknown subjects used unknown means to vandalize the rear driver’s side area of the victim’s vehicle in front of her home. The cost to repair the damage is believed to be greater than $1000.

6/26/17: Battery near 900 block of Orange Avenue
Subject punched victim for reasons unknown.

6/25/17: Petty Theft near 900 block of Orange Avenue
Victim reported his bike stolen in an alley. The bike was not locked, but it was leaned against a pole. Bike is valued at $275.

6/25/17: False Impersonation near 200 block of E Avenue
Victim discovered his bank account had been “hacked” as an unauthorized person used his bank account information and personal information for online transactions through two banks. Victim’s loss so far is $50.

6/25/17: Burglary of the First Degree near 1100 block of Adella Avenue
Victim’s garage was burglarized at night.

6/23/17-6/24/17: Petty Theft near 1000 block of Leyte Road
Unknown suspect took the victim’s purse from her unlocked vehicle. The total approximate loss is $450.

6/21/17: Petty Theft near 600 block of Orange Avenue
Victim reported his secured bicycle and lock were stolen from the outside of the location. The bicycle and lock taken were valued at approximately $470.


6/30/17: Grand Theft Property – Felony near 1000 block of Second Street
27 year old male

6/30/17: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol near 200 block of A Avenue
32 year old male

6/28/17: Disorderly Conduct – Misdemeanor near 200 block of Ocean Boulevard
31 year old male

6/27/17: Disorderly Conduct – Misdemeanor near 900 block of Orange Avenue
31 year old male

6/25/17: Possession of a Controlled Substance – Misdemeanor near 100 block of Coronado Cays Boulevard
25 year old male

6/25/17: Possession of a Narcotic Controlled Substance – Misdemeanor near 100 block of Coronado Cays Boulevard
22 year old female

6/24/17: Possession of a Controlled Substance – Misdemeanor near 7800 block of Silver Strand Boulevard
66 year old male

6/23/17: Disorderly Conduct – Misdemeanor near 500 block of Palm Avenue
73 year old male


Andres de la Lama
Andres de la Lama
Andres is a senior at Coronado High School and has written for the Islander Times and The Coronado Times throughout his high school career. He has also been a proud part of Coronado’s Days for Girls chapter and this year’s president. Andres aspires to be a screenwriter will go on study creative writing in college. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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