Submitted by Kenneth Fitzgerald
Barbara Denny’s extremely long commentary, “Hansen Mansion Experiment is Doomed to Fail,” provides an extensive, conspiracy theory-like description of how and why the City Council amended Coronado’s General Plan to permit transitional housing in the residential neighborhood. Stripping her breathless narrative of its insinuations and accusations of bad motive, what she describes is democracy: elected City Council members voted to amend the General Plan. She voted against this amendment, but she was outvoted.
Buried toward the end of her commentary is an inflammatory assumption unsupported by any evidence: that “armed criminal gang members” are “expected by law enforcement experts to prey upon the proposed clients of Generation Inc.” What “law enforcement experts” are those? What evidence is there to suggest that “armed criminal gang members” will prey upon residents? Denny cites no such experts or evidence. Regrettably, it appears she simply made this up.
Kenneth M. Fitzgerald