Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Coronado Vacancies: Board, Commissions and Committees


VACANCY:  Two Members
Coronado Tourism Improvement District (CTID) 
as of June 15, 2016

To advise the City Council on the expenditures of the assessments to market and promote the District for the purpose of increasing hotel room occupancy. Members must file a financial disclosure statement upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving office.

Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 16, 2016.


VACANCY:  One Member
Design Review Commission as of July 31, 2016

Members are appointed by the City Council to review all applications submitted pursuant to Chapter 70.12 of the Municipal Code requiring design review, including exterior remodeling, repainting, or relocating within commercial zones; multi-family residential development; and public structures. Members must file a financial disclosure statement upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving office.

SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS: The vacancy is for a professional in some field of design including, but not limited to, architecture, landscaping, interior design, or graphic design.

Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, June 27, 2016.

QUALIFICATIONS for all vacancies: Resident and registered voter in the City of Coronado. Must successfully complete State-required Ethics Training.

An application form may be obtained from the City Clerk’s office at 1825 Strand Way, at 522-7320, or by visiting the City website at

The City of Coronado encourages the participation of disabled individuals in the services, activities and programs provided by the City. Individuals with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation in order to participate on the City Council appointed boards/commissions/committees should contact the City Clerk at 619-522-7320.

Contact the City Clerk’s Office at 522-7320.
Mary L. Clifford, CMC, City Clerk


Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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