Sunday, December 15, 2024

Coronado Brewing Company Introduces Local Brew on Capital Hill

Woody Lee, Coronado Brewing Company’s beer ambassador, represented CBC at the recent Capitol Hill Holiday Beer Tasting. Members of both houses of congress frequented the fashionable event. CORONADO – The Coronado Brewing Company (CBC) was well represented at the annual Capitol Hill Holiday Beer Tasting last week unveiling its top rated micro-brewed boutique beers for a rather unique audience. The National Beer Wholesalers Association and the Brewers Association hosted the event. “We were delighted to be invited to participate in the annual Capital Hill Holiday Beer Tasting,” said Rick Chapman, CBC president. “It’s events such as this that allow us to showcase our product to a greater national audience.” Three popular CBC beers were brought from the island brewery to the halls of government for “congressional approval”: Red Devil, Islander IPA and Orange Avenue Wit. Islander IPA proved the most popular with both houses of congress, said Chapman, with congressmen, state representatives and their staff coming back for repeat tasting of the flavorful suds. On December 4, CBC showcased its successful Idiot IPA at the 13th annual Strong Ale Feast, hosted at the Carlsbad Pizza Port in North County. Established in 1996, CBC brews close to 3,000 barrels of hand crafted, micro-brewed beer annually using only the finest of natural ingredients. CBC currently distributes beer to seven states around the US and exports its product overseas to Great Britain and Japan. The company also owns Tent City Restaurant and the Coronado Brewing Company Restaurant locally, and is preparing to open a third restaurant, the Coronado Firehouse Cantina. For more information visit their website at


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