Monday, March 3, 2025

Peter Tegel: Coronado Bridge Rescue

This blog post was sent in by Len Kaine of the Golden Rule Society. Here’s a heartwarming event from this morning… Mr. Peter Tegel, a Senior Advisor to our Golden Rule Society was driving across the bridge from San Diego to Coronado. Pete noticed a car parked mid-span in the center lane, of the bridge. He then saw a man hanging on the outside of the bridge railing, preparing to jump. Cars were passing by but Pete chose to stop. He jumped out and ran to the man. He grabbed him and tried to pull him back onto the bridge. The man was too big for Pete to do it alone so he hung on tight. The elderly man kept saying he was ready to die but Pete, being the good Christian that he is, hung on for dear life. Another car stopped and now Pete had help keeping the man from jumping to his death. An off duty policeman, on his own motorcycle, also stopped to help. Pete and these two gentlemen were able to get the distraught man safely back onto the bridge. Our local police arrived in short order and took the distressed man into protective custody. Pete arrived late to do his volunteer computer work here at the Golden Rule Society headquarters. When he explained the reason for being late, I told him it was the nicest story I’d heard in a long time. Pete deserves our admiration and respect. He truly lives the Golden Rule and our philosophy…”To better the lives of others is your life’s greatest reward. As we say in the Navy, “BRAVO ZULU” which means “Well Done” Pete Tegel. You’re our GRS hero Pete and a hero to this man’s family and friends. Warmest personal regards Steve. Anne and I hope that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving.
Len Kaine


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