Tuesday, March 11, 2025

2020-2021 Coronado High School ASB Election Results

The Associated Student Body (ASB) at Coronado High School is full of eager students ready to serve as leaders of the school. Along with the 41 students enrolled in the ASB class, nine students were recently elected to the officer positions of the Executive Commission. Online elections were originally scheduled to close Friday April 24 but ASB extended the voting window through Sunday April 26 to allow for greater participation. ASB student Declan Dineen shared, “Voting is incredibly important to make our voices heard in an election. With voting we choose people with our best intentions at heart. Someone who’s going to work hard and make positive changes throughout your school year. In a time like this, one thing I know students at Coronado have… TIME!  Make a choice on who you feel will best represent you and take the time to go out and vote.”

The results of the election for ASB Executive Commission for 2020 to 2021 are as follows:

  • President will be Kelli Morris. ASB President responsibilities include serving as the Student School Board Representative, serving as the regular delegate to inter school activities, and holding daily status meetings with ASB to discuss events. 
  • Vice President will be Sydney Slaughter. The Vice President serves as chairperson of the Inter Club Council, organizes and oversees ASB and class elections, works with the ASB president to create meeting agendas, and is prepared to lead all ASB meetings and status updates. 
  • Commissioner of Publicity will be Ella Worthy. This role manages the Coronado ASB Instagram, Facebook page, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube and ASB related websites and social media accounts. The Commissioner of Publicity also plans, organizes, and executes the Homecoming Parade, and coordinates and directs activities between governing bodies of different San Diego high schools.
  • Commissioner of Outreach will be Cate Carlson. This position manages the relationship with CMS and the “Bridging the Gap” mentoring program. Outreach is also responsible for the Teacher, Classified Staff and Student of the month voting and recognition, and also manages one large community service project. 
  • Commissioner of Spirit will be Brooke Levy. This commissioner is responsible for promoting school spirit for all school activities which includes organizing pep rallies, and planning and promoting all Spirit Week activities. 
  • Commissioner of Dance will be Jolee Barr. This role manages all aspects of school dances and is responsible for music at break and lunch, pep rallies and other events.
  • Commissioner of Athletics will be Abby Hundley. This position acts as a liaison between ASB, athletes and coaches. The Commissioner of Athletics also promotes all sports related activities and events.
  • Commissioner of Student Store will be Eva Bessette. This position helps manage the CHS Student Store while working with the ASB Clerk to assist with registration packets. This position also monitors participation, and evaluates assigned ASB members. 
  • Commissioner of Finance will be Samantha Lorr. This role manages ASB cards, executes the Homecoming halftime show, and works with class and ex-comm officers to create and revise their budgets. 

The CHS student body looks forward to the contributions of the newly elected Executive Commissioners.

Pre-election info:

ASB Elections for Coronado High School – Voting Thursday & Friday

Chloe Berk
Chloe Berk
Chloe has called Coronado home since she could walk or talk and considers herself a true Islander. She is currently a student at Coronado High School and a writer for the Islander Times. After studying and writing articles, she enjoys volleyball, the beach, and her newly-adopted dogs from PAWS. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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