Beach Polo returns to Hotel del Coronado with a new date… September 7-9.

Having Beach Polo play the week after Labor Day will allow more people to attend. Fans will once again see the best professional polo players and ponies compete on the Hotel Del’s private beach. The Sport of Kings could not have chosen a more picturesque venue, with the iconic hotel on one side and the beautiful blue ocean on the other.
Beach Polo at Hotel del Coronado is the social event of the end of summer season. Those who enjoy fine dining, world-class polo in a party atmosphere are in for a special treat. The festivities begin on Friday September 9th as the 10,000 square foot VIP Tent on the beach is transformed into a giant cocktail lounge. The Friday night Silver tickets this year include two complimentary drinks and a souvenir Beach Polo hat. As in the past the front row is designated as Millionaire’s Row. Sixteen luxurious boxes featuring white leather furniture with seating for ten. To set the festive mood on Friday, men are invited to wear white tuxedo jackets, black tie and colorful surfer shorts. Last year dozens of men came out in white tuxedos and shorts. This year we are expecting that number to quadruple. Souvenir polo mallets are awarded to the best-dressed couple.
On Saturday and Sunday (September 8 & 9) guests can choose a box in Millionaire’s Row, a Gold VIP table or Silver tickets. New to Millionaire’s Row this year is the inclusion of twenty complimentary drink tickets. Gold VIP seating is on the front row of the second terrace in the VIP Tent. Ticket holders are treated to a formal 3-course luncheon and wine provided by Hotel del Coronado. Each day Grayse will have informal modeling during the polo and luncheon. Millionaire’s Row boxes and Silver tickets will have the option of purchasing an array of culinary delights from Hotel del Coronado.
On the top row of the VIP Tent luxury shopping takes precedent. Attendees will be able to purchase anything from a 2019 Porsche to a Silver Seas Yacht or a new wardrobe at Grayse and Brady’s.
Ticket prices range from $100 to $125 for Silver tickets (two drinks included), Gold tickets are $250 or $2500 for a table of ten (three course lunch and wine) and Millionaire’s Row box seats $200 or $2000 (20 drink tickets). To purchase Beach Polo tickets please call (760) 668-6093 or visit
The Polo America Beach Polo Cup is sponsored by
Platinum Sponsor: Hotel del Coronado
Gold Sponsors: Porsche San Diego, Silver Seas Yachts, Discover Coronado, Grayse, Brady’s, Aspen Valley Polo Club and US Polo Association