Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Coronado Storm Update from Mayor Bailey

The following is an update from Mayor Bailey’s Facebook page.

The Public Services crews are monitoring the City’s storm pump stations and the 8.5 miles of storm drains during this rainy week, all day and all night.

Our first priority is ensuring proper operations and performance at our storm water pump stations and sanitary pump stations as they experience increased flow during storm events. Other priorities include pumping out areas experiencing flooding such as the Cays underpass and addressing minor water-related issues such as pothole and debris removal.

You can help us out by parking in driveways and garages, if possible, to leave curbs and gutters unobstructed. This makes it easier for water to flow into the storm drain inlets. If you notice potholes or other minor flooding issues that develop because of the rain, residents and local businesses can help by notifying the City by using the City’s “Ask Coronado” app.

To quickly and easily submit service requests, download the app from the Apple store
or in the Google Play store

If you need sandbags, the City provides them for Coronado residents in need at four locations. (See map below).

Residents also may call Public Services at (619) 522-7380 during business hours and the Police Department non-emergency line at (619) 522-7350 after hours to report routine rain-related issues.

For more urgent safety hazards, such as a downed tree or power lines in roadways, call 911. In addition to the Storm Water Division staff, Public Services crews from the Streets and Trees divisions will be working all weekend to monitor the situation and respond to emergencies.

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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