Submitted by Diane and Brent Bennitt, VADM, USN (ret)
Diane and I are supporting Marvin Heinze for Coronado City Council. We have gotten to know and trust Marvin as a neighbor, but we are MOST IMPRESSED with his sense of duty, to country and community and his personal commitment to public service. After a highly successful Navy career in Explosive Ordnance Disposal, he has committed himself to many volunteer activities, both with our city government and our civic organizations. Currently Marvin is the Vice Chairman of the City Planning Commission and the Secretary/ Treasurer of our Silver Strand Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. He is THE ONE CANDIDATE who has experience in Coronado government and can step in as a council member without a learning curve.
We believe that the City will be best served if you join us in supporting Marvin Heinze for City Council!
Diane and Brent Bennitt, VADM, USN (ret)