Monday, March 10, 2025

Dark Chocolate, Red Wine & Heart Healthy Eating in Perspective

Wednesday, February 17th @ 7pm in the Winn Room

Vicki Newman, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist from the UC San Diego Medical School will share her expertise on eating for a healthy heart.

  • Find out about the latest research on the role of inflammation and about the protective components in dark chocolate and red wine.
  • Get practical dietary suggestions to reduce the risk and progression of heart disease.
  • Learn strategies for reducing inflammation and lowering LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol).
  • Perspective will also be offered on the continuing controversies regarding vegan diets (elimination of all animal foods), egg consumption, and saturated fats like coconut oil.

American-Heart-Month-V2_Blog-300x234February is American Heart Month—a great time to learn what small but important steps you can take to help keep your heart beating for years to come.  Presentation is free and open to the public.

For information, stop by the reference desk or call the library at 522-7390.



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