Sunday, March 9, 2025

Police Blotter December 24 – 30: Alcohol-related arrests peak, several vandalisms reported

Crimes Reported

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s locked bicycle. Estimated loss $350.
Seventh Street and C Avenue
12-18 to 12-19

Lost Article
A man reported that he lost his wallet between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
1300 block of Orange Avenue

Grand Theft
Unknown suspect(s) used an unknown tool to defeat a cable lock and steal the victim’s bicycle from the vicinity of the Rec Center. Estimated loss $2000.
1845 Strand Way

Lost Article
A man reported that he lost his wallet around 9:55 a.m.
900 block of Orange Avenue

Malicious Mischief/Vandalism (Misdemeanor)
The victim’s property was vandalized by unknown suspect(s) who used white spray paint to graffiti a southwest rear window.
800 block of Orange Avenue

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) took a locked Trek hybrid bicycle parked in front of a business. Estimated loss $150.
800 block of Orange Avenue

Vandalism (Less than $400)
Unknown suspect(s) vandalized the bowling green at the Coronado Senior Center by throwing numerous potted flower plants on the lawn.
1019 Seventh Street
12-23 to 12-24


DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs, Driving with a Suspended/Revoked License
53 year old white man, resident of Chula Vista
1000 block of Ninth Street

Making Criminal Threats, Battery on Spouse or Cohabitant, Destruction of a Wireless Communication Device
54 year old white man, resident of Coronado
900 block of F Avenue

Drunk, Protective Custody – Misdemeanor
28 year old white male, resident of Coronado
1000 block of A Avenue

DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs – Misdemeanor, DUI while on probation for DUI – Misdemeanor, Probation Violation
48 year old white female, resident of Menifee
3200 block of Silver Strand Boulevard

Disorderly Conduct: Alcohol – Misdemeanor
50 year old white female, transient
800 block of Orange Avenue

DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs
24 year old “O” man
A Street at 10th Avenue

Traffic Collisions

Collision with fixed object
Orange Avenue at Seventh Street
Vehicle hit curb and sign post in median while making left turn. No injuries were reported.

Head-on Collision with Other Motor Vehicle
Tenth Street and F Avenue
No injuries reported.

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list.


Brooke Prouty

Community Manager

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Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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