Sunday, March 9, 2025

Winter Solstice in Coronado (12-21-13)

Winter Solstice Sunset on the Silver Strand

The sun was approaching the horizon. A clear sky made the view of the Pacific Ocean spectacular.

A group had gathered on Coronado’s Silver Strand at Nature’s Bridge to Discovery Solstice Clock. Suddenly, quiet conversations were interrupted by faint musical sounds coming from the southern direction. We turned to determine the source of the beautiful sounds that flowed over us. A single figure became visible and the music got louder as he made his way to our group. The distinctive sounds of an accomplished bagpipe player celebrated the winter solstice as the sun dipped below the horizon. These were special moments.

Larry Samuels, Bagpipe Player Extraordinaire

Nature’s Bridge to Discovery is an environmental project that was funded by a Federal Grant in 1998. Just south of the Naval Amphibious Base, there is a mile and a quarter decomposed granite path that passes a Wing Shaped View Deck, the Least Turn Education Node, a circular Meditation area, Eel Grass View Deck, and the Solstice Clock. It is the result of a vision and lots of work by Liza Butler and the Silver Strand Beautification Committee. This is a grassroots group of folks who love the Silver Strand, and are working to enhance its beauty. The Silver Strand is a designated California State Scenic Highway.

Each year, on December 21st, a group gathers to celebrate the Winter Solstice. We share conversation, read poems and meaningful phrases and remember those who have gone before us, and those who are yet to come. All are welcome.

Liza Butler and Dick Beh, Original members of the

Silver Strand Beautification Project

So now is the time to mark your calendars for next December 21st. Every year we welcome new people. We meet at 4 pm, Sunset is about 4:44 pm, and we depart about 5:30 pm. It is a unique experience. Of course, this year with Larry Samuels sharing his talents was special.

Hope to see you next year!

Phil Monroe


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