Monday, March 10, 2025

Police Blotter Apr. 8-16: 18 Reported Bicycles Stolen

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:


Burglary/Second Degree – Felony
100 block of B Ave
suspect 16 year old Hispanic male

Burglary/Second Degree – Felony
400 block of Orange Ave
unknown suspect(s) used unknown means to damage a security gate and gain access to an underground garage, once inside the suspect stole two bicycles that were locked with cable and padlock
Value: $2,500

900 block of 4th St
bicycle stolen
Value: $100

300 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen from parking garage
Value: $3,500

Appropriation of Lost Property (Under $400) – Misdemeanor
1000 block of 7th Street
Suspect cited and released, white male age 15

Inflict Corporal Injury on Spouse or Cohabitant
Male and female are involved in an argument, which was witnessed by an uninvolved party, the argument later becomes physical and the female bites male victim’s left arm

Annoying Teleohone Call Obscene or Threatening
Caribe Cay North Blvd
Unidentified suspect has made numerous phone calls from an unknown phone number to both the mobile phones belonging to two individuals
Between 3-15 and 4-4

Receive Known stolen property – Felony
1000 block of A Ave
suspect arrested, Hispanic male age 25 from Santa Ana

Violate Court order to prevent domestic violence – misdemeanor
Possession of controlled substance paraphernailia – misdemeanor
6100 block of Silver Strand blvd
suspect arrested, black male age 65 from Imperial Beach

Violate Court order to prevent domestic violence – misdemeanor
200 block of Ocean Blvd
suspect arrested, Hispanic male age 53 from Imperial Beach

Misdemeanor Bench Warrant of Arrest
900 blcok of 10th St
suspect arrested, Hispanic male age 55 from San Diego

Possession of Controlled substance – Felony
Possession of controlled substance paraphernalia – Misdemeanor
6100 block of Silver Strand Blvd
Suspect arrested, female age 2 from Imperial Beach

Alcohol Related

DUI Alcohol – Misdemeanor
1000 block of 3rd St
suspect arrested, white male age 53 from Coronado

DUI Alcohol and or drugs – delinquent
1000 block of 1st St
suspect arrested, Hispanic female age 28

Disorderly Conduct – Alcohol
1000 block of Ocean Blvd
Suspect taken to detox, Hispanic male age 21 from San Ysidro

Driving while license suspended for DUI – Misdemeanor
Violation of basic speed law, speed unsafe for conditions – infraction
1200 block of 4th St
suspect cited and released, white male age 29 from Spring Valley

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol – Misdemeanor
800 block of Orange Ave
suspect taken to detox, white female age 50 from Coronado


Grand Theft
1100 block of Flora Ave
computer, purse, wallet stolen from glove box of vehilce
Value: $680

Grand Theft
1000 block of Ocean Blvd
bicycle stolen
Value: $2,000

Grand Theft
600 block of D Ave
AED Defibrillator stolen
Value: $2,500
Between 4-10 and 4-11

Grand Theft
300 block o B Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $1000

Petty Theft
1800 block of Avenida de las Arenas
locked bicycle and equipment stolen
Value: $830

Petty theft
900 block C Ave
bicycle, helmet and bicycle parts stolen from school courtyard
Value: $750

Petty Theft
600 block of D Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $150
Between 4-7 and 4-8

Petty Theft
1500 block of Orange Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $360
Between 4-6 and 4-7

Petty Theft
900 block of E Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $280
Between 4-10 and 4-11

Petty Theft
1200 block of Churchill Place
unlocked bicycle stolen from yard of residence
Value: $200
Between 4-5 and 4-6

Petty Theft
900 block of 6th St
bicycle stolen locked to a tree
Value: $200
3-29 – 3-31

Petty Theft
1800 block of Strand Way
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $100
Between 4-5 and 4-6

Petty Theft
900 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen locked to parking meter
Value: $100

Petty Theft
600 block of D Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $200
Between 4-7 and 4-8

Petty Theft
1800 block of Strand Way
bicycle and helmet stolen
Value: $650

Grand Theft
1200 block of 1st St
bicycle stolen
Value: $3,000

Petty Theft
1000 block of Ocean Blvd
two bicycles stolen
Value: $629


All information for the weekly police blotter is provided by the Coronado Police Department in the weekly press log. The information is gathered and organized into a weekly report provided by This is not a representation of all crimes that occur in Coronado. Some crimes may not be included in the report for various reasons. View reasons a crime may not be included in the weekly police blotter.


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