On June 21, 2011, after more than a year of research and planning, the Gibson’s introduced the fully navigational digital and social media platform MyMilitarySavings.com to families of all branches of the military community. According to David Gibson, President of MyMilitarySavings.com, Inc., “our objective is to provide highly targeted, exclusive savings, promotions and discounts to all active-duty, retired and reservist families”.
While capable of executing local and geo-targeted campaigns, MyMilitarySavings.com is taking full advantage of the worldwide web by providing savings and offers to military families stationed and living around the globe. In less than three months, the Gibson’s along with a growing business team of 15 have designed and executed military specific promotions for companies and brands such as Nestle USA, Bic, Chinet, Purina, Kellogg’s, Claritin, Dr. Scholl’s and more. Kraft Foods, the largest vendor of the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) recently signed on with MyMilitarySavings.com and will begin offering exclusive promotions on October 1, 2011.
Since the launch of MyMilitarySavings.com in June, military families have benefited from exclusive offers including $3,000 in commissaries shopping sprees, $3,000 in Visa Card Give-A-Ways, multiple iPad 2 “Back to School” Give-A-Ways and now Flat Screen TV promotions in Exchange Stores for the start of the Football Season. The response has been impressive as the MyMilitarSavings.com Facebook page alone has well over 100,000 views.
David and his Dad, Denny Gibson of Westport, CT have been longtime business partners and together they’ve been marketing and promoting products to commissary and exchange store consumers on military bases since 1989. According to David, “it was impossible not to take notice of the expanding point-of-purchase that was rapidly moving from in-aisle and at the shelves to most any type of mobile device or personal computer.
Many of our corporate clients need help bridging this gap. Research shows the military community families are extremely tech savvy. Our audience and MyMilitarySavings.com members are proving to be shrewd and resourceful consumers. This combination is translating into a positive formula for MyMilitarySavings.com.”
Like other civilians living in this beautiful Navy town, the Gibson’s have developed a close personal bond with many of Coronado’s Navy Families. Having three daughters in Coronado Schools, they’ve found their friendships with Navy families from all over the U.S. to be especially gratifying. Coronado is home to both Naval Air Station Coronado and Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. It is also uniquely positioned in close proximity to Imperial Beach and San Diego Naval Bases.
“Living in Coronado, it is impossible not to see the sacrifice and deployment challenges our military families confront regularly. If anyone deserves special exclusive savings opportunities and promotions, it’s our military families” says David. “We hope that MyMilitarySavings.com will be a safe and quality resource for the entire military community for years to come.”
For more info, visit: http://www.mymilitarysavings.com/