1. Contrary to the circulating rumor, the judges were not stingier this year over last year. They gave out almost 20% more blues (803) and 221 more total ribbons (2857) in 2011.
2. The judges nominated 89 homes for consideration in the “Best in Coronado” competition. That was 18 more homes than last year
3. The distribution by ribbon color continues to be fairly even around 25% or so for each color: Blue, 28.1%; Red, 26.5%; Yellow, 25.6%; White, 19.8.%.
4. We received fewer “complaints” this year about judging (13 and counting), it is still less than 0.3% of the total ribbons issued.
5. Ninety-eight volunteer judges participated in Home Front Judging for our thirty-eight judging zones city wide, which includes the Cays.
6. It is too early to determine over-all success in increasing CFA membership by distributing a color brochure with envelope to ribbon winners, but initial reaction appears very positive.
See the 2011 winning homes/addresses here: https://coronadotimes.com/profiles/blogs/2011-top-gardens-in-coronado
Find more photos like this on Coronado Island (eCoronado.com)