Sunday, March 9, 2025

City Manager Weekly Update: December 17, 2010

DATE: December 17, 2010

TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers

FROM: Blair King, City Manager

RE: Weekly Update

PDF Located Here:

The following is provided as an update regarding programs, services, and issues within the City.
(Please note: For those receiving electronic copies of the Weekly Update, the attachments
referred to below are available in the City Manager’s Office).


Employee Breakfast: The annual breakfast prepared by the Executive Team was a success.
Over 200 employees were treated to a great breakfast of fruit, eggs, sausage, potatoes, juice, and
coffee. No one became ill, and the Community Center kitchen didn’t experience any long-term

Receipt of Harpst Bequest: This month the City will receive an additional $800,000 in
Municipal Bonds from the Harpst Bequest. A third installment of the Harpst gift is expected in
early 2011. The total amount received to date is approximately $4,676,400 and will probably
exceed the $5 million estimate when the final installment is received.

Notice of Preparation of an EIR for the San Diego Convention Center Expansion: Staff
received a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an EIR for the San Diego Convention Center
Expansion project. We responded in writing that the EIR should pay special attention to visual
impacts, (specifically from Coronado’s view), noise both during construction and long term, and
light and glare impacts.

Boathouse Project: This past Friday the California State Lands Commission provided approval
to the Port to proceed with the Coronado Boathouse Project. This was one of the last hurdles in
the way of developing this recreational boating facility next to the Community Center.
Filming on the Bridge: We were informed by Caltrans that the film shoot scheduled to take
place on the bridge on Sunday, December 19 has been canceled.

Holidays: City offices will be closed on Friday, December 24, and Friday, December 31 in
observance of the holidays. Best wishes to all!


Building Division Activity: During the period of December 9 through 15, the Building Division
issued 12 permits and conducted 68 inspections, including 7 final inspections. The total
valuation on which building permits were based during this period is $57,488.75.
Historic Resource Commission: On Wednesday, the Commission approved a Historic
Alteration Permit for the property addressed as 826 Tolita Avenue.

Planning Commission: On Tuesday, the Commission made a recommendation to the City
Council for the approval of two parcel maps for residential condominiums at 732-738 Olive
Avenue and 1600 Glorietta Boulevard. As part of the motion to approve the 1600 Glorietta
Boulevard parcel map, the Commission also made a recommendation to the City Council for the
examination of traffic issues on Glorietta Boulevard between Ynez Place and Orange
Avenue, including ingress/egress for the Glorietta Bay Inn.

Public Art: The public unveiling/dedication ceremony for the mosaic mural public art piece for
the Golf Course Club House is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Monday, December 20, at the Club


Tennis Center: Window and storefront installation is ongoing. The building lath is also
ongoing, with plaster likely to start next Tuesday or Wednesday. Court #8 light pole footings
have been poured. The start of ceramic tile has been pushed back to Monday, December 20.
Vactor Waste Handling Pits: Engineering and Public Services staff have started discussing the
scope of work. As part of these discussions, other municipal agencies were contacted to see
what their waste handling pits look like. Staff visited pits in Chula Vista and believe a similar
design could be utilized in Coronado.


New Fire Engine: Last week, three individuals from the Fire Department took a trip to
Brandon, South Dakota to conduct a final inspection on the new Triple Combination Pumper
being built by Crimson Fire. The inspection went very well and only a few minor issues were
identified. Around the end of the month the new engine is expected to be delivered to EVG in
Anaheim for installation of radios, flashlights, chargers, graphics, etc. With a slight delay due to
the holidays, staff hopes to take delivery of the new engine sometime around the end of January.
The new fire engine will be placed in service at the Headquarters Fire Station. The current fire
engine will be placed in reserve status and the current reserve engine will be taken out of service.

San Diego County Fire Chiefs Administration Section: On Thursday, Coronado Fire
Department hosted the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Administration Section at the
Community Center in the Nautilus Room. Administrative Assistant Judy Reed is Past President
of the Section, which is composed of 36 members of the various city fire districts and
departments throughout the County. Coronado Firefighter Paramedic Jamie Edmonds sang the
National Anthem.

Emergency Responses: Last week, Coronado Fire units responded to 37 incidents in Coronado:
25 emergency medical incidents, 1 traffic accident, 1 hazardous condition, 4 calls for public
assistance, 1 incident dispatched and cancelled en route, and 5 false alarms. There was a total of
40 incidents including mutual/automatic aid and North Island responses.


Volunteer Holiday Party: The Library hosted a Holiday Party last Friday evening for
volunteers, the Library Board, Friends’ Board members, and staff; some 150 persons attended.
CoSA students provided entertainment.

Library Concert: The San Diego Mandolin Orchestra gave a concert in the Winn Room
Wednesday evening, including a sing-along of holiday songs. The concert was sponsored by the
Friends of the Library.

Youth Programs: A Kid’s Christmas Craft was held on Tuesday, and Santa’s annual visit to
Story Hour was made on Friday, which made for a great photo opportunity. The Library-based
High School Book Club also met on Tuesday.

Library Board: The Library Board met on Tuesday, chaired by President Sally Zoll. City
Manager Blair King also joined the meeting. Among other business, the Board reviewed the
status of the strategic planning project and a potential need for assisted listening devices for the
Winn Room.

Library Holiday Hours: The Library will be open from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Friday,
December 24, and will be closed Saturday, December 25, and Sunday, December 26.


DUI Checkpoint: Tonight, Coronado police officers will join other law enforcement agencies
in a DUI checkpoint in the City of La Mesa. The multiagency detail is funded under the
countywide “Avoid the 14” grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety.

Teddy Bear Drive: On Tuesday, December 14, the Coronado Police Department was the host
agency for the 20th annual Regional Law Enforcement Teddy Bear Drive to benefit Rady
Children’s Hospital. This event was launched in 1990 by Coronado Police Officer Brian Hardy
with the delivery of 12 teddy bears and has since grown to include over 25 different law
enforcement agencies in the County. It was a successful year and approximately $27,500
was raised and over 50,000 teddy bears were collected for Rady Children’s Hospital. The
Recreation Department contributed by collecting 100 bears at their various family holiday events
this season.


Breakfast with Santa: A sold-out crowd of 350 people enjoyed breakfast, crafts and visits with
Santa in the banquet room of the Community Center on Saturday, December 11.

Teen Advisory Team: Recreation teen staff hosted their first meeting of the new teen advisory
team on Monday, December 13. Ten middle school teens attended to find out the details on the
application process for this new committee. The group also brainstormed creative ideas for
upcoming teen events and programs.

Holiday Hours: The Community Center will close at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year’s
Eve, and will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. The pool will close at noon on
Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, and will be closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
The Skatepark will close at sunset on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. It will be closed on
Christmas Day, but open at 1 p.m. on New Year’s Day.

Letters to Santa: The North Pole Express Mailbox has been in the Community Center for the
last two weeks. Staff received and individually responded to 113 Letters to Santa this week.
Popular requests include video games, Legos, Barbie dolls and Nerf toys.

Recreation Pool Closure: The Recreation Pool will be closed December 18-22. The pool will
be drained, tiles and underwater lights will be repaired, and a coating will be applied to the deck
to help reduce the deterioration of the cement.


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