Sunday, March 9, 2025

Bike Safety: Reminder to Parents and Kids Under 18

Monday through Friday I bike my daughter to school here on Coronado. Usually she rides her bike and I ride mine. However, yesterday, she left her bike and bike helmet at school because she had an after school activity. So, this morning, since we were without her bike (and helmet), I rode her to school on the ‘tag-a-along’ bike. A tag-a-long is an attachment that goes behind an adult bike, but is ultimately attached. Since the ride is about 2-3 blocks, I made the (dumb) decision to allow her to ride behind me without a helmet. I could easily have adjusted another helmet from the garage, but hey, it’s just a couple blocks… Well, a Coronado policeman was walking near the school and motioned for me to ‘pull over’. I did and right away apologized for not having a helmet for my daughter. He explained to me that it was a very poor decision and that he was contemplating sending a strong message (aka a ticket). After talking to my daughter (mostly me) about the importance of wearing a helmet, he graciously opted not to ticket me. I deserved it though. I think my daughter thought there was a chance that daddy was going to the ‘slammer’ and perhaps her puppy dog eyes helped the officer show mercy on me as well. Here is the lesson: Obey the laws of the road and set a good example for your children. I have learned this well today. California Law (note the last section): Youth Bicycle Helmets: Minors 21212. (a) A person under 18 years of age shall not operate a bicycle, a nonmotorized scooter, or a skateboard, nor shall they wear in-line or roller skates, nor ride upon a bicycle, a nonmotorized scooter, or a skateboard as a passenger, upon a street, bikeway, as defined in Section 890.4 of the Streets and Highways Code, or any other public bicycle path or trail unless that person is wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet that meets the standards of either the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), or standards subsequently established by those entities. This requirement also applies to a person who rides upon a bicycle while in a restraining seat that is attached to the bicycle or in a trailer towed by the bicycle.


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