Hello to all the supporters of BBMAC, At their regular September 10, 2009 meeting, The Coronado Unified School District Governing board unanimously endorsed Superintendent Dr. Jeff Felix’s proposal concerning the interim operating plan for the Brian Bent Memorial Aquatics Complex located at Coronado High School. Dr Felix was directed by the CUSD board to submit a proposed interim operating plan at the Special CUSD Board meeting back on August 11, 2009. This interim plan was to allow for continued limited operations through the end of 2009 provided that the remaining Aquatics Endowment balance would not go below $560,000. Dr Felix’s proposal called for the District to assume some of the operational costs of BBMAC. His proposal also called for the District and the BBMAC Foundation to terminate the Aquatics Agreement and for the District to assume operational control of the aquatics facility. Since the CUSD board endorsed Dr Felix’s proposal, this transfer of operational control will occur in the next few months. The BBMAC Foundation has faithfully honored its obligation under the Aquatics Agreement to cover the costs related to the operations and maintenance of the Aquatics Complex. Unfortunately, an unintended and unsustainable consequence of this obligation was that the BBMAC Foundation has been funding the personnel cost of District athletic and physical education programs. To the District’s credit, they concurred that we were put into an untenable financial situation. Their action at the September 10, 2009 board meeting will allow all the parties to reset the operational concept of the Aquatics Complex. By doing so they have considerably enhanced the long term viability of their almost $9 million asset. On September 17, 2009, the Aquatics Facility Task Force designated by the District meets for the first time in the board room at the District Office. The meetings of the Task Force are open to the public. The Task Force is charged with analyzing the entire spectrum of the Aquatics Facility operation along with analyzing possible alternatives. The goal of the Task Force is to present a sustainable business plan for the Aquatics Facility to the CUSD Governing Board no later than December 31, 2009. Joe Cook President BBMAC Foundation
CHS Pool / BBMAC President’s Update 09-13-09
1 min.

Coronado Times Staff
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