SAN DIEGO The FBI has arrested a 39-year-old man for making threats over the Internet against local elementary schools. Paul Douglas Rodgers was arrested Monday on federal charges while being held in county jail on an unrelated charge. On June 9, Rodgers admitted to San Diego police officers that he had posted a threat on Craigslist on May 26 against a local elementary school, said FBI spokesman Darrell Foxworth. Rodgers told police he was part of a mind-control experiment, Foxworth said. He was admonished by police that making such threats was a crime and asked to go to in for a mental health evaluation. He agreed and spent eight days at a county facility being evaluated, Foxworth said. On July 30, Rodgers posted a threat against two Coronado elementary schools on Craigslist, saying they were going “to be destroyed” during attacks in October, Foxworth said. The posting said the schools were attended by children whose parents were in the military, Foxworth said. Read the entire Union Tribune article here.
Man arrested for making online threats against schools
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Coronado Times Staff
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