Sunday, March 9, 2025

04-24-09 City Manager Weekly Update for Coronado

The following is provided as an update regarding programs, services, and issues within the City. SB 93 Redevelopment: The California Redevelopment Association met with Senator Kehoe this week to discuss their proposed amendments to the bill. The Senator did not accept them, and brought her own amendments to the table. Air Installations Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) and Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP): At the City Council meeting on Tuesday, staff presented information and recommendations on the upcoming AICUZ, expected to be released this year by the Navy for Naval Air Station, North Island (NASNI). The recent changes in standards applied to the MCAS Miramar AICUZ, and the advisement to City staff that the NASNI AICUZ will be addressed similarly, will alleviate the potential problems this process could have on the City of Coronado’s current permitted land uses, and on local land use control. The City Council received the staff report and directed staff to continue to monitor the preparation of the AICUZ, and prepare to participate in the development of the ALUCP. Farewell to Chief Raddatz: This was Fire Chief Kim Raddatz’s last week with the City of Coronado. Chief Raddatz has been appointed as Fire Chief for the City of Salinas. Chief Raddatz has served as Coronado’s Chief for the past five years and he was Division Chief before then. We all wish Kim the very best in his new position and thank him for his leadership and service to the City of Coronado. I have appointed Fire Division Chief Dan Mastro to act as the interim Fire Chief as we go through the selection process with this position. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Vendors Receive Payments Via Electronic Funds Transfer: Finance staff members have enrolled approximately 50 vendors to receive their payments via an electronic funds transfer rather than with a check. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Division Activity: During the period April 16 though April 22, the Building Division issued a total of 16 permits and conducted a total of 98 inspections, including 25 final inspections. The total valuation on which building permits were based during this period is $704,018.05. CA Building Codes Available Online: The Building Division added a link on the Building Services web page for the International Code Council’s online e-library of California Codes. ENGINEERING & PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Animal Care Facility: The first construction meeting was held and staff discussed methods for distribution of submittals, requests for information, and other general items. The contractor provided an overall schedule as well as several submittals. Earthwork will start shortly. Marina Building and Promenade: The last of the concrete flatwork was completed this week. Over the next two weeks the windows, handrails, exterior paint and landscaping are scheduled to be completed. An initial punch list walk is proposed to be held the second week in May. The art wall tile is in production but it appears that it will not be delivered until the end of May. It is anticipated that the tile will take three to four weeks to install. Lifeguard Service Building: The facility passed the Planning Department required inspections and a Building Department inspection will be requested late this week or early next week. The final punch list walk is anticipated for late next week. The Lifeguards are already occupying the apparatus room and office. Police HVAC Upgrade: Installation of the variable air volume devices throughout the building was completed. The controls for most of those devices have also been completed. The most challenging operation will be removing the existing air handler on the roof and installing its replacement; this will occur today and will continue throughout the weekend. The air handler should be operational on Monday. The project is close to completion. Community Center Tile Replacement Project: Extra tile was found and staff will be scheduling a localized demolition of the existing tile to verify the location of the waterproofing membrane. When the tile is removed the membrane may be destroyed and have to be replaced. Details provided by the original architect and contractor are in conflict so the only way to verify its location is to conduct localized demolition. Once the demolition is complete, the floor will be patched back using the spare tile. Boat House Club Room: Staff met with the architect to review the LEED scorecard to track and provide direction to achieve the silver certification. A number of items were resolved and the project is continuing on a path to achieve the silver certification. Recreation and Public Services are reviewing the plans and will be submitting comments shortly. Bike Path Rehabilitation: Harris and Associates began the field work for the project and have field marked the areas to be repaired with white paint. It is anticipated that this project will be constructed in the fall of 2009. Cays Fire Station Expansion: The delivery and installation of the apparatus doors are still scheduled for completion on May 23. Fire Services staff is expected to move into the station on May 27. The carpet has been delivered and installation is to be completed by April 29. Coronado Rotary Plaza: The fountain construction has begun with the slab being poured. Next week, the internal piping for the geyser jets and the electrical conduits for the underwater lights will be installed, and then the wall will be poured. Construction of the bus pad may begin as early as next week. The bus pad construction will require the closure of one of the travel lanes on southbound Orange Avenue. This work will be done at night to accommodate the volume of traffic that passes through during the day. Cays Storm Drain Rehabilitation Phase II: The Kingston Village lining has been completed and awaits final inspection. Lining and cleaning continue along Coronado Cays Boulevard. SR 75/282 Transportation Corridor Project: The Draft Tolling/Project Delivery Feasibility Study was presented to the City Council on April 21. The City Council requested additional information to be analyzed for its review. This study, when completed, will be added to the Financial Strategy Report as another financing option to consider for funding the selected alternative. NextG Networks: NextG Networks has submitted plans to install microcellular equipment on three service poles in the Village. Two locations that have been approved: 817 Tenth Street and the alley adjacent to 333 D Avenue. The equipment includes small boxes and antenna extensions attached to existing utility poles, which for the most part, will not be noticeable to the public. This equipment will be used to enhance cell coverage in areas which currently experience problems with signal strengths. FIRE SERVICES Emergency Responses: Last week, Coronado Fire units responded to 37 incidents in Coronado: 29 emergency medical incidents, 1 traffic accident, 1 fire, 4 calls for public assistance, and 2 incidents dispatched and cancelled en route. There was a total of 40 incidents including mutual/automatic aid and North Island responses. Training: This week, Division Chiefs Hadfield and Mastro, and Engine Company crews participated in the annual wild land exercise sponsored by the San Diego County Training Officers held at the Viejas Reservation. The exercise provided refresher training with special attention specific to safety concerns in the wild land environment. Captain Bill Toon has been involved in planning the event and worked as an instructor for the I Zone component. Fire Prevention: The Fire Prevention Division conducted the Emergency Siren Notification test on April 21. All three sirens located in the City of Coronado were activated and tested for a period of 90 seconds. The siren activation test was successful, with no problem presenting during the test. The three locations include, Fire Station 1 located at 1001 Sixth Street, Glorietta Bay Park near the Recreation Center, and the Cays Fire Station. The public is reminded to turn their radios to KOGO AM 600 for further information in the event of siren activations related to man-made and natural disasters. Beach Lifeguards: With the heat wave last weekend, the Beach Lifeguards saw huge crowds at the beach from Friday through Tuesday. Each day an average of 15 patients were treated at the main tower for stingray wounds. The Lifeguards continue to move equipment into the Service Building in preparation for Memorial Day weekend and the subsequent start of summer. LIBRARY SERVICES Friends of the Library: The Book Fair last weekend went very well, with crowds viewing and buying old books throughout the weekend. Dozens of local volunteers were on hand at all stages, from set-up to take-down. Volunteers from the Navy, the NJROTC, and the Boy Scouts provided needed physical help. Staff members from the Public Services Department were also very helpful. Friends Board members worked through much of the weekend. Junior Volunteers Play: The Children’s Library and the Library Junior Volunteers presented “Peter Pan: A Play for All Ages” on Thursday in the Winn Room. The play was produced by Ellenjoy Weber and Eileen Lawson with the cast from the Junior Volunteers. POLICE SERVICES Updated NAS North Island Gate Closure: The original closure for construction of new security bollards at the Ocean Boulevard Navy gate to North Island has been changed to May 4 through May 25. Police Recruit Testing: Last Saturday, with assistance from Human Resources, 39 applicants were provided the written test for Police Recruit. Of those 39, 11 passed the written test and have been invited back for the physical ability portion of the testing this Saturday. Oral interviews will follow in the next two weeks for those that pass the physical ability test. Currently, the Police Department has three Police Officer openings. San Diego County Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association Annual Workshop: This week, Police Chief Lou Scanlon attended the San Diego County Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association annual conference in San Bernardino County. School Events: Officer Joey Tanglao attended Sacred Heart School’s Health and Safety Fair on Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. He took a patrol vehicle for the children to look at and answered questions about bike safety and uniform equipment carried by the officers. Also on Tuesday, the Coronado Middle School hosted The Drug Store sponsored by Coronado SAFE Foundation. Police Chief Lou Scanlon and Detectives Bill Canet and Shawn O’Neill attended the event. PUBLIC SERVICES Flower Show/Motorcars on MainStreet: Both events were a success, and Public Services involvement went smoothly thanks to Ricky Fernandez and his crews. RECREATION Municipal Pool: The Municipal Pool will be closed May 26-31 for annual maintenance and repairs, which will include replacing broken tiles, a pump impeller, and two chlorine pumps. Summer Registration: Summer registration continues and staff is preparing for the first day of walk-in and non-resident registration on Monday. One of the new camps, Lego Engineering Camp, is full and has enough on the waitlist to almost fill a second camp. Staff is working with the contractor to see if a second camp is possible, and if there is a classroom available. Summer Recruitment: Program staff held a recruitment day last Saturday and tested approximately twenty applicants for summer camp positions, with an additional ten applicants who were tested this week. Tentative job offers have been given to twenty-seven applicants who must complete the pre-employment tests. Once the applicants are approved for hire, they will be scheduled for CPR and First Aid classes as well as new hire training. Facility staff has hired one employee and given a tentative job offer to another. Aquatic staff also has several candidates going through the interview process; they hope to hire ten more people before summer. Teen Pool Party: Teen recreation staff will be hosting the annual Teen Pool Bash party on Friday evening, May 1. It is anticipated that 200 or more teens will participate in this event, as it is consistently one of the favorite teen activities hosted by the Recreation Department.


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