Holy ‘tall grass fed’ cow…literally! One of our favorite spots on Coronado is offering a free hamburger on Tuesday September 8th from 3-9pm at all of their locations (keep reading to see how you can redeem). The only catch is that you have to show Burger Lounge that you are following them on Twitter. For those of you that don’t know what Twitter is, it’s a free online service that let’s you share (‘tweet’) your thoughts, news, feelings, etc. in 140 character increments. Twitter also let’s you ‘follow’ other Twitter users. In this case, if you join Twitter and then follow Burger Lounge, simply show them a print out, computer or phone screen to prove that you are receiving their tweets. It’s that simple. Here is a link to follow Burger Lounge: www.twitter.com/Burger_Lounge Here is a link to follow Coronado Island: www.twitter.com/CoronadoIsland So, what are you waiting for? Join Twitter, follow Burger Lounge (and Coronado), show up on Tuesday, September 8th from 3-9pm, show your Twitter proof and redeem it for a FREE HAMBURGER! Burger Lounge 922 Orange Avenue 619-435-6835 Be sure to share this story with a friend and spread the good word! Sign up to eCoronado.com to stay connected! Video of what Twitter is: Video of Burger Lounge Coronado:
Free Burger at Burger Lounge on Tuesday, September 8th 3-9pm
1 min.

Coronado Times Staff
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