Monday, March 10, 2025

Musical Preview Night for “An Island Looks Back” Exhibit at CHA (video)

It was an evening of remarkable musical performances at Preview Night for the “An Island Looks Back” exhibit that has just opened at the Coronado Historical Association.

Brad Willis, a member of the Advisory Committee for this project that illuminates our community’s forgotten African American history, has this Coronado Story:

If video doesn’t play, watch it here.



Exhibit Opening: An Island Looks Back: Uncovering Coronado’s Hidden African American History – Feb. 9

“An Island Looks Back” Exhibit Preview (Video)


Brad Willis
Brad Willis
Brad Willis is an author and retired network news foreign correspondent who has worked in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Latin America and Asia. He has received national and international awards for compassionate journalism and for his war coverage. Brad is a longtime Coronado resident who has also served as Commissioner of Public Art for the City of Coronado. Send news tips or story ideas to: [email protected].

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