Monday, February 24, 2025

Gonzaga Beats Michigan State Aboard USS Lincoln, Armed Forces and Attendees Win

It’s been over 10 years since the Navy hosted an NCAA basketball game aboard an aircraft carrier. On Veteran’s Day (11-11-22), the USS Abraham Lincoln and thousands of attendees witnessed #2 ranked Gonzaga University hold off Michigan State as Michigan’s last second shot missed by inches. Final score: 64 for the Bulldogs – 63 for the Spartans.

Before tip-off, Petty officer 3rd class Charitee Swift-Day performed the National Anthem for the 2022 Armed Forces Classic, followed by a spectacular flyover courtesy of the US Navy.

It was the perfect setting to honor Veteran’s Day and hopefully, it won’t be another decade before the next one.

More highlights courtesy of ESPN:


Barack Obama to Attend Carrier Classic Basketball Game on USS Carl Vinson at North Island Naval Air Station on 11/11/11

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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