Thursday, February 13, 2025

Use Our Money to Improve Our Lives

Letters to the Editor submitted to The Coronado Times are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of this publication. Submit letters to [email protected].

Submitted by Barry & Susan Austin

In the [Coronado] Eagle [& Journal] last week, Councilmembers Heinze and Sandke asked for feedback about how some of our taxpayer money should be spent. So here goes.

We absolutely do NOT support a multi-million dollar renovation of the Library’s Winn Room. We attend many activities there, and it is very infrequently anywhere close to full. If a larger room is needed, the underutilized Spreckels Center next door has plenty of space. If even more space is needed, the infrequently-used (except for non-resident weddings) Nautilus Room at the Community Center is available. As an added bonus, both facilities have commercial kitchens.

Additionally, we also absolutely do NOT support the multi-million dollar sewage plant on the golf course. The negatives far outweigh the positives, and the fact that the City is trying to push approval through without all the desirable reviews raises a red flag. As with a lot of government projects, an investigation to “follow the money” would be helpful to tell us who stands to gain by this apparently unnecessary and undesirable project. Since the City acknowledged that the plant will never pay for itself (i.e. will require taxpayer subsidy forever), why is this being considered?

We would prefer that our Council instead spend taxpayer funds on efforts which would actually improve the quality of life for Coronado residents. Our top candidates for the next year are:

  1. Hire additional police officers to stop the illegal sound pollution by many of the motorcycles and hot rods on our streets, as well as the legions of speeders. This directly affects our health and safety. (Please don’t use the excuse again that most violators are from out of state and little can be done; most of the violators we notice have California license plates.)
  2. Hire additional police officers to ticket people who are violating COVID-related health orders requiring social distancing and masks covering the nose and mouth. The reason infections are spreading at an astronomical rate, according to health experts, is because violators know there is a lack of enforcement. And nowhere in Coronado is it more obvious than along Orange Ave and the beach boardwalk. We’re way beyond “educating” the violators! Despite the current president’s lies as he ignores the growing death count, this is not a personal freedom issue.
  3. Once the City takes over control of SRs 75 and 282 from Caltrans, make 25 MPH the speed limit EVERYWHERE in the City, except on the Strand south of the Amphibious Base. Use funds to change all the signs and markings. Hire additional police officers to enforce that speed limit 24/7. Everyone would benefit from a uniform speed limit, and revenue from violators’ fines would be an added (small) benefit to the City.

We’re not suggesting that Coronado needs to turn into a police state. However, visitors through and to our small City have taken advantage of our laissez-faire attitude long enough; and our elected officials need a backbone to put an end to it. If our current elected officials aren’t willing to do so, we need ones that will.

So, Councilmembers Heinze and Sandke, thanks for asking! We hope you’ll take us up on our recommended better use of taxpayer funds.

Barry & Susan Austin


Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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