Wednesday, February 19, 2025

CUSD Update: Board Meeting 8/13 & Back to School 8/27


As the summer winds down, CUSD is actively preparing for a unique and engaging ‘Back to School’ for both staff and students. In these turbulent times, our responsibility to Connect, Challenge, and Champion every child, every day is crucial. The Governing Board Agenda for August provides updates and guidance necessary to successfully transition back to learning in an environment where all feel safe, valued, and respected.

Agenda Item 7.2: Equity Action Plan
Ms. Foley will present Board Policy (BP) 0415(a): Equity for approval and provide an overview of CUSD’s Equity Action Plan and timeline to the Governing Board.

Agenda Item 7.3: Learning and Instruction Update
Dr. Battle will present distance learning schedules and structures for our four school sites to the community and Governing Board.

CUSD schools will open on August 27 in a distance learning environment; this is our reality. Families and staff are currently planning and navigating how to juggle supporting online instruction with the demands of life, health, and care for loved ones. As always, and as they should be, expectations for public educators across California are sky high. We must balance those expectations with reasonable and fair boundaries. The devices used for instructional delivery provide access 24/7 – this doesn’t mean our teachers and staff are ‘open’ 24/7, nor should our students be. Please afford your child(ren), yourselves and our staff patience and grace as we traverse new territories together.

Our staff are capable and dedicated professionals who are ready to adhere to the standards we have collectively set for instruction this fall. I know how much they are missing daily, live interactions with our students. We will continue to do everything within our authority to get our students back as quickly and safely as possible.

Karl Mueller

August 13, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

In Compliance with the Governor of California’s “Safer-at-Home Order” due to COVID-19, the Coronado Unified School District Board of Education will be conducting meetings virtually until further notice. This means there will be no specific physical meeting place: the meeting will be held remotely. However, public participation continues to be welcomed and encouraged.

We will hold a Regular Board Meeting with the open session starting at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will show live on Spectrum Cable, Channel 19, and also on the internet at The Board of Education is interested in hearing your comments on any agenda item or general public comment. In the interest of reducing the spread of COVID-19, members of the public are encouraged to submit their comments in one of two ways:

  1. Leave a voicemail at (619) 522-8900 ext. 1025 (not to exceed three (3) minutes).
  2. Submit a written comment for the meeting (not to exceed 250 words per agenda item/topic), please submit your comment no later than 1:00 p.m. on the day of the Regular Board Meeting. Click here to submit a written comment.

Consent Agenda

  • Approve Minutes
  • Approve the Personnel Register
  • Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services
  • Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants
  • Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment
  • Approve New Job Description for K-12 Pathway Coordinator


  • Approve the 2020-21 Consolidated Application (ConApp), Spring Release
  • Approve 45-Day Budget Revisions
  • Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Superintendent
  • Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Assistant Superintendent


  • ACT Report
  • Student Services: Equity Action Plan
  • Learning & Instruction Updates
  • Superintendent’s Report: Long Range Plan Update

Click this link to watch the Board Meeting live on August 13, 2020, at 4:00 PM.

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