Sunday, March 9, 2025

Great Plates Delivered: Home Meals for Seniors

Aging & Independence Services (AIS) announces the launch of a new program that will help older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic to get meals delivered to their homes. It is called Great Plates Delivered: Home Meals for Seniors.

Qualified older adults who are unable to obtain or prepare meals—and who meet age and other eligibility criteria—will be paired with a local restaurant that will prepare and deliver three healthy meals per day. Currently, the program is expected to run through June 10.

Following federal guidelines, the program is intended to fill a gap and serve those seniors who are not currently receiving or eligible for any other federal nutrition benefits, such as Cal Fresh or the Senior Nutrition Program.

The program is open to county residents who meet the following criteria:


  • Residents 65 and older who live alone or with one other older adult
  • Residents 60-64 who are high-risk as defined by the CDC, including:
    • Individuals who tested positive for COVID-19
    • Individuals with an underlying medical condition that puts them at a higher risk of developing complications from COVID-19
    • Individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 and do not require hospitalization, but are required to self-isolate or self-quarantine
    • Inability to access/prepare meals at home

Older adults must not be able to obtain or prepare appropriate meals at home through other means (e.g., accessing commercial food services, etc.). The program is aimed at helping older adults to continue to “shelter in place” and not have to increase risk by leaving their homes


Participants must have an annual income within the following range:

  • $24,981-$74,940 (single person household)
  • $33,821-$101,460 (two-person household).

Those who have an income BELOW $24,981 for a single household or $33,820 for a two-person household are not eligible for the program and should instead contact 2-1-1 to learn about other resources.

Live alone or with one other eligible senior

Please note that program capacity is limited, so older adults are encouraged to apply soon. Qualified County residents who are interested in signing up can visit: or call the AIS Call Center at (800) 339-4661 and select option 7.

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