Good afternoon,
Please join us remotely Thursday afternoon for our monthly Coronado Unified School District Governing Board meeting. Our ‘Teacher of the Year’ and ‘Classified Employee of the Year’ selections will be announced and celebrated for their contributions to our school community. The Learning Department will present a recommendation to approve a redesigned Bell Schedule at CHS. If approved, the new schedule will afford student opportunities to take additional courses, explore interests, remediate grades, and accelerate. In addition, staff will present Trustees with a finance proposal designed to safeguard programs and resources from the imminent State budget shortfall.
We encourage our community to review the agenda below including information on how to address items with the Board via public comment.
Thank you for those who have participated in our Distance Learning ThoughtExchange. A summary of responses and corresponding actions will be presented to the community in our May 18th CUSD Update.
Be safe and well,
Karl Mueller
May 14, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
In Compliance with the Governor of California’s “Safet-at-Home Order” due to COVID-19, the Coronado Unified School District Board of Education will be conducting meetings virtually until further notice. This means there will be no specific physical meeting place: the meeting will be held remotely. However, public participation continues to be welcomed and encouraged.
We will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2020, with the open session starting at 4:00 p.m. remotely using WebEx. The meeting will show live on Spectrum Cable, Channel 19, and also on the internet at The Board of Education is interested in hearing your comments on any agenda item or general public comment. In the interest of reducing the spread of COVID-19, members of the public are encouraged to submit their comments in one of two ways:
- Leave a voicemail at (619) 522-8900 ext. 1025 (not to exceed three (3) minutes).
- Submit a written comment for the meeting (not to exceed three (3) minutes), please submit your comment no later than 2:00 p.m. on the day of the Regular Board Meeting. Click here to submit a written comment.
Open Session
- Board Recognition Congratulating Classified Employees of the Year 2019: Susie Harris, Coronado Hig School; Paula Stellpflug, Coronado Middle School; Dyan Sebastian, Silver Strand Elementary School; Linda Kirk, ECDC/Village Elementary School; and John Bonnett, District Office; Classified Employee of the Year
- Board Recognition Congratulating 2019-2020 Certificated Staff Members of the Year: Brad Couture, Coronado High School; Melissa Miller, Coronado Middle School; Crystal Garner, ECDC/Village Elementary School; and Ellen Cody, Silver Strand Elementary School
- Superintendents Trophy: CHS Club of the Year
Consent Agenda
- Accept Donation to the Coronado Unified School District
- Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of April 2, & 16, 2020
- Approve the Personnel Register
- Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services
- Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants
- Accept the Coronado Unified School District’s (CUSD) Initial Proposal for Negotiations to the Association of California School Employees Association (CSEA), for the 2020-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Successor Contract)
- Ratify the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) and the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), and approve related AB1200 disclosures
- Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff
- Approval of the CUSD 2019-2020 School Plans for Student Achievement
- Approval of the Coronado High School 2020-2021 Bell Schedule
- Approve the Annual Declaration of Need for Highly Qualified Educators for the 2020-2021 School Year
- Adopt Resolution 20-05-01 Approving, Authorizing, and Directing Execution and Delivery of a Site Lease and a Lease Purchase Agreement and Authorizing Certain Additional Actions
- Adopt Resolution 20-05-02 to Establish a Restricted Special Reserve-Capital Projects Fund
- Adopt Board Resolution 20-05-03 Regarding Designation of Agents to File with the California Governor’s Office Of Emergency Services for the Purpose of Obtaining Certain Federal Financial Assistance
- ACT Report
- Human Resources: Hiring Protocols
- Department Updates
- Long-Range Plan Update
First Reading
- Pearson Elevate Science Curriculum for Coronado Middle School
- Adoption of New College Prep (CP) Chemistry Textbooks for Coronado High School (Information)
Click this link to watch the Board Meeting live on May 14, 2020, at 4:00 PM.