Overall this was a team effort. “We adjusted to Christian’s weakness after the first set,” said Coach Ahmu. The Islanders’ tough serving was a vital part of the victory. A critical moment in set two was senior Liz Hunsaker’s 5 point serving streak, following junior Caitlin Kane’s 5 point run. Offensively the Islanders struggled to execute, but defense is what saved them. In set two, the team adjusted and played with more discipline; this caused unforced hitting errors for Christian. Coronado’s energy was unmatchable for the remainder of the match. Maddie Flanagan stepped up and delivered a skillful seven-point serving run.
Set Scores: 19-25, 25-22, 25-21, 26-24. Islanders win 4-1.
Next Islander Home Match: Thurs Oct 24, @ 5:30 pm
Current record: 14 – 15