Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Registration Opens for Coronado’s Annual Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes 2019

Coronado Yacht Club, Coronado Cays Yacht Club and the Navy Yacht club have once again partnered for a cause to host the 11th annual Make-A-Wish® San Diego fundraiser – the Amazing Race for Wishes – in Coronado, CA on October 27, 2019. This year’s event will take place at the Coronado Cays Yacht Club and will once again be emceed by NBC 7’s Dagmar Midcap and this year, features Jim Shirey as auctioneer extraordinaire. The program will also feature In Midlife Crisis as the entertainment for the event.

Teams dress up to participate in the Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes. Photo Courtesy of Yachtclubsforwishes.org

With a goal of recruiting 20 teams and reaching a cumulative total of 1 Million Dollars, Coronado’s Amazing Race Committee Co-Chairs Renee Wilson and Lisa Brendan are leading the charge to develop a fun-filled and adventurous bike race, an electric boat challenge and an exciting banquet with raffles, live, and silent auction.

Teams will follow clues during the race and compete for the highest score to win. Bike teams will consist of 10 members, and electric boat teams will consist of 6-10 members. Each team will raise funds to make wishes come true!

Bike teams participate in the Amazing Race For Wishes. Photo Courtesy of YachtClubsForWishes.org

Net proceeds from this event will be donated to Make-A-Wish® San Diego, a non-profit organization that grants wishes to children with critical illnesses. Wishes can give kids the strength they need to fight harder. For children who are battling a critical illness, a wish can give them and their families a chance to believe that anything is possible. Doctors use wishes as part of the treatment plans in some cases and research has shown that wishes have proven physical and emotional benefits that may give children with critical illnesses a higher chance of survival.

The family of one of the “wish kids” from 2018 enjoying the event. Photo courtesy of Make-A-Wish San Diego

This event is not exclusive to yacht club members; anyone can build a bike team or electric boat team, or attend the auction at the Cays Yacht Club and help donate to a great cause.

To register, sponsor the event, or donate items to auction, or to learn more about the Amazing Race for Wishes event, visit yachtclubsforwishes.org.

Photo of the celebration after the 2018 Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes. Photo Courtesy of Make-A-Wish San Diego

Jeannie Groeneveld
Jeannie Groeneveld
Jeannie is a retired Naval Aviator and Public Affairs Officer whose post-Navy career includes freelance writing, PR Consulting and a two year stint as the San Diego Padres Military Affairs Advisor. Having been stationed in various parts of the country including Washington D.C., Florida and Hawaii, Jeannie appreciates how amazing the Coronado community is and loves the experience her children have had growing up here. Jeannie earned her BS in Marine Biology from Auburn University, her MS in Global Leadership from the University of San Diego and her MA in Communication and Media Relations at San Diego State University. A life-long learner and avid traveler Jeannie enjoys writing travel pieces, Navy stories and anything else that will broaden her perspective. When she is not working you will find her watching her boys play sports, walking Odin at dog beach, hiking, playing beach volleyball or spending time with the family.Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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