Submitted by Marvin Heinze
Last week our City Council took a step toward improving both safety and aesthetics along our city streets. They moved forward to develop a plan for reducing the 28 miles of overhead utility lines in Coronado. Undergrounding utility lines will improve safety by removing poles from the vicinity of moving cars, enhance the aesthetic appeal of the community and improve utility reliability by avoiding downed power lines.
Councilman Donovan and Councilwoman Downey specifically recognized that the Utility Undergrounding Master Plan report by Harris and Associates had flaws as it did not account for the difference in a 65 mph Silver Strand state scenic highway and our 25 mph city streets. The council did, however, see the report as a starting point and directed significant public engagement to improve the consultants list and to inform decisions on where we apply City and partner funding to accomplish the most impact.
I strongly support undergrounding Coronado’s utilities and will look for ways to accelerate this project. Undergrounding utility lines will help Keep Coronado Special!
Marvin Heinze