The 2018 Coronado Community Read is coming to a close next week, and on behalf of the Coronado Public Library and the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission, we would like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped to make it happen.
Two opportunities remain to join the conversation around this year’s book, Ready Player One. Tonight (Wednesday, March 28) at 6pm in the Winn Room we offer a fascinating panel of women in the gaming industry who will provide a look inside an industry and careers most of us know nothing about. On Saturday (March 31), we close the program with a special meeting of the library’s Spoiler’s Book Club—a club that discusses books and movies—that will both discuss the book and also see the brand new movie version of Ready Player One, opening at Village Theatre this week. We have a limited number of FREE passes to see the movie and join that discussion, so sign up at the library right away.
This was the second year for the Community Read, and we are so pleased that community awareness and participation are growing. We have heard many comments from readers to the effect that, while the book was not one they would normally pick up, they did enjoy it quite a bit, and they enjoyed the conversations it sparked. Many people particularly appreciated the book’s multi-generational appeal. Some people didn’t like the book, and that’s fair; thank you for reading it. Maybe you’ll like the movie better—it opens this evening, March 28th at 8:30 p.m. at Village Theatre.
A number of people flatly refused to read this year’s book. To this audience we can only say: please, nominate a book you think all of Coronado should read for next year! Nominations are open now. Forms are available in the library; or email your suggestion (title and author) and why you’re recommending it, with your name and contact information, to [email protected].
We must thank, first and foremost, the City of Coronado and the Coronado Friends of the Library. Their facilities and funds enabled books and a broad range of programs that were enjoyed by all who came.
Thanks also to The Coronado Eagle & Journal, Coronado Lifestyles and also The Coronado Times, for helping to spread the word and keep the community informed about the many programs and events. Thank you to our local bookstore, Bay Books and to Angelica and Erna for giving a discount and helping to promote the book. Thanks to Coronado High School, Coronado Middle School librarian Connie LeFever, and Calypso Café in the Cays for hosting book discussions. We are grateful to the John D. Spreckels Center, Costa Azul, Emerald C Gallery, the Coronado Historical Association, and the Coronado Roundtable for partnering with us to create programs and events as part of this year’s read—thank you! And we look forward to expanding our community partnerships next year.
Thanks also go to the many people, professionals and experts who gave of their time to present entertaining and informative programs on writing, screen writing, science fiction, painting, virtual reality, gaming, and the ’80s. These include Ann Bancroft; Anne Elizabeth; Casey Tanaka; Ian Silverman; Stephen Potts; Tamara Merrill; George Galdorisi; Nile Cappello; Marni Freedman; Carlos de los Rios; Jenny Moore; Robin MacCartee; Clyde Van Arsdall; Missy Robertson; Beau Barnum; John Paden; Robin Xu; Margaret Krohn; Dr. Jenni Deveau Tremaine; Roxanne Sabo; and Sarah Gaydos. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents with us.
Finally, a huge thank you to the Literary Arts Working Team, who put in many hours to create the Community Read: Alanna Rickards Vaught; Karen Perry; Mary Kerley; Tamara Merrill; Robin Franck; and Kate Carinder. We appreciate the support provided by Kelly Purvis at the Arts Commission, as well as Sherril Altstadt and her team, and the hard-working staff of the Coronado Public Library, headed by Christian Esquevin. Our library is a treasure, and we are so fortunate to have it.
Lei Udell
Literary Arts Commissioner
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Franklin Escobedo
Principal Librarian
Coronado Public Library