Wednesday, March 12, 2025

5 Reasons to Explore Private Client Insurance

Surmount Insurance Services (SIS) is owned by a Coronado resident and offers guidance and advice backed by the expertise of their executive team. For more information or to speak with a representative directly, contact them at 619-378-3005.

Insurance policies are not the same for everyone, or at least they shouldn’t be. What this means is you have to be realistic about the kind of insurance you need. Private client insurance might be what’s needed so a customized approach is taken.

An insurance agent will be able to conduct a complete personal risk assessment to learn more about you, your lifestyle, and your belongings. This will make it possible to individualize policies so you have greater financial protection in place throughout the year.

You’re a Collector 

Being an art collector, or a collector of anything else is exciting. You might have original pieces that are priceless all throughout your home. You might make it a hobby to collect ancient relics of a specific time period or even movie props from films of your favorite directors.

Whatever you are a collector of, it adds to your total net worth. This means you need insurance that is going to look out for you. In the event someone breaks into your home or your property is damaged, you need a policy that will take care of you. Not all home insurance policies are designed to accommodate collections, especially those that are worth a significant amount of money.

You Have Expensive Toys

Yachts, jets, and other expensive toys are fun to have around. Whether you use them on a regular basis or they are there for a rainy day, they add to the list of items that need financial protection. Your average insurance company doesn’t offer policies for yachts and jets. This is because it’s not something the average person owns.

This doesn’t mean that protection isn’t available. What it does mean is that private client insurance is needed in order to protect all of your assets, including the expensive toys you love to play with.

You Take Greater Risks

You might be considered a daredevil by some. Whether you spend your weekends jumping out of airplanes or you race cars for a living, you need high risk life insurance. How risky your hobbies are will be determined during a risk evaluation that is completed on you by an agent.

You Travel Extensively

Your travels might also be something that needs to be explored. Whether you are traveling around the world on a weekly basis or you are going into areas where there is conflict, it might affect your life insurance policy, your health, and much more. This doesn’t mean your policies have to be null and void – it simply means you need the right policy.

You’re Active

Being active shouldn’t be seen as something that makes you uninsurable. You might be on the go all the time, and that’s great. However, it means you need an insurance policy that is capable of keeping up with you. A custom approach is the only way to go because you will otherwise find that your claims are constantly denied.

You might be any or all of these things. There’s no reason you should be penalized for having nice things or leading a luxurious lifestyle. Private client insurance was created to recognize the importance of a personalized insurance policy.

It’s important to live the life you want to live without being penalized for it. A good insurance policy will protect you against everything that happens. If you have ever been denied a claim, it’s because you didn’t have the right policy for you.

Contact us at Surmount Insurance Services today to learn more about how we operate and what a private client policy offers. Allow us to create a full presentation that will deliver the necessary protection to you all year long.  Call 619-378-3005

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