Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Annual Turkey Coloring Contest Winners

Coloring contest winners. Photo left to right: Sadie Lis, Paulina Sanchez, Lucy Pierre, Annika Ickes, Gabrielle Canada, Shenan Lewis, Charlotte d'Arabian, Connor Arlt, Ethan Stewart. Sarah Stillman, Jr Woman’s Club President in back row
Photo left to right: Sadie Lis, Paulina Sanchez, Lucy Pierre, Annika Ickes, Gabrielle Canada, Shenan Lewis, Charlotte d’Arabian, Connor Arlt, Ethan Stewart. Sarah Stillman, Jr Woman’s Club President in back row

On November 15th the City of Coronado City Council awarded the winners of the annual Turkey Coloring Contest.  This event is co-sponsored by Jr. Woman’s Club of Coronado.  There were 101 entries;  kinder through fifth grade from all schools in Coronado, including home schooled children.  The contest is judged every year by an expert panel of judges.  Second and third place winners received a pie purchased through Mama’s Kitchen’s Pie in the Sky Event and First Place Winners received a turkey to cook this Thanksgiving. Coronado’s Smart and Final donated the turkeys this year.

First NameLast NameDivisionPlaceSchool
SadieLisK & 1st1stSacred Heart
PaulinaSanchezK & 1st2ndVillage
LucyPierreK & 1st3rdVillage
GabrielleCanada2nd & 3rd1stHomeschooled
AnnikaIckes2nd & 3rd2ndVillage
EthanStewart2nd & 3rd3rdVillage
ConnorArlt4th & 5th1stVillage
ShenanLewis4th & 5th2ndVillage
Charlotted’Arabian4th & 5th3rdVillage


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