Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list):
12/24/2015: Grand Theft near 500 block of Country Club Lane
Unknown Suspect(s) took victim’s unattended travel bag from her front yard after she had returned from the airport. The total value lost is estimated to be $2,220.
12/23/2015: Petty Theft near 2000 block of Visalia Row
Unknown Suspect(s) cut victim’s cable lock and stole his bicycle from the rack at the Coronado Golf Course.
12/19/2015: Burglary near 900 block of F Avenue
Unknown suspect entered victim’s closed garage, via a side door, and ransacked it, damaging two bicycles and a table.
12/18/2015: Grand Theft near 600 block of Orange Avenue
Unknown suspect(s) took the victim’s computer, which is valued at $1,200.
12/18/2015: Burglary near 400 block of Orange Avenue
Unknown suspects took an unlocked mountain bike from the storage area located on Orange Avenue, and fled the scene undetected.
12/16/2015: Burglary near 800 block of C Avenue
Unknown Suspect(s) took a firearm from victim’s garage. The firearm is a Benelli shotgun with a tactical light, solid stock, a pistol grip, and is loaded with ammunition. The total loss is $3,644.
12/16/2015: Burglary near 800 block of C Avenue
Unknown suspect(s) took a toolbox and two backpacks from the victim’s garage, valued at $720.
12/15/2015: Petty Theft near 800 block of 6th Street
Unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s unlocked bicycle from the Coronado High School near the Brian Bent Memorial Aquatic Center.
12/23/2015: Violation of Probation – Felony near 400 block of Glorietta Boulevard
20 year old male of an undisclosed race
12/23/2015: DUI Alcohol – Misdemeanor near 300 block of D Avenue
28 year old Hispanic male
12/22/2015: Possess Marijuana 28.5 grams or Less – Infraction near 300 block of Orange Avenue
17 year old Hispanic male
12/22/2015: Shoplifting – Misdemeanor near 900 block of Orange Avenue
53 year old white female
12/19/2015: Bench Warrant of Arrest – Misdemeanor near 1500 block of Orange Avenue
57 year old white male
12/18/2015: Grand Theft Property – Felony near 600 block of Orange Avenue
36 year old Hispanic male
12/17/2015: Possess Marijuana 28.5 grams or Less – Infraction near 300 block of D Avenue
17 year old white female
12/17/2015: Possess Marijuana 28.5 grams or Less – Infraction near 300 block of D Avenue
16 year old white female
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