Friday, February 28, 2025

Coronado Needs Change for Animal Control

Recently Fox News highlighted the Coronado situation with the police involved taser shooting of a dog:

One thing the community can do is tie ribbons on leashes. Another is work with the City for policy changes.

Residents began working together to research best practices around the country to make recommendations to the City for changes, the two most important being having a dedicated Animal Control Officer and implementing more training for all police officers. When Smokey was killed, most residents assumed Coronado had an Animal Control Department in place. But, upon more research, it isn’t that simple. Here are a few things discovered so far:

1) Coronado is animal friendly community with Dog Beach, restaurants and businesses that accommodate and encourage dogs, and is also near the border which encourages “drops” in our community of pets brought to the city and abandoned. When a recent police involved pet death occurred, the community understood that PAWS was our “Animal Control” with a Police dedicated officer at the site and to be called upon in animal issues. As of September 30, 2015, the City website stated:…

“The Coronado Animal Care Facility operated by PAWS of Coronado is located at 1395 First Street. The hours of operation are between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 7 days a week. The Animal Care Facility is closed on holidays. You can always contact us during business hours at (619) 522-7371 and after hours through the Coronado Police Department Communications Center at (619) 522-7350.

Coronado Animal Services provides stray and nuisance animal pick-up, acceptance of lost and relinquished animals, assistance for injured and sick stray animals, control of biting, vicious or threatening animals, barking dog complaints, animal cruelty, fighting animals, animals in hot cars, lost and found assistance and dog licensing.

The site has since been updated to be more clear.

2) On November 1, 2014 the Coronado Animal Care FACILITY was contracted to PAWS to manage for the City of Coronado and the Animal Control Officer was moved to the police department to work from as a Public Service Officer.

3) In July 2015, the Animal Control Officer resigned from the police department and was not replaced, leaving three Public Service Officers to handle all animal calls.

4)The police department has always been the City “back up” if the Animal Control Officer was not available, but we have not been in a situation where a dedicated position was not in place until July of this year. This pet incident happened two months into losing our full-time position.

5) It is unknown how much training every officer is given in handling animals.

6) The Chief of Police states there are animal catch poles, gloves, and equipment available to all officers. Yet, in this situation, so far, eye-witnesses who tried to help the dog by catching it themselves and then saw the police come on the scene and begin the catch, did not see the catch pole or gloves being used.

Note that it was clarified that prior to Nov. 1, 2014, PAWS was merely a fundraising arm to support the Police Department Animal Control department which ran the facility and responded to calls. After Nov. 1, the facility was contracted to PAWS to run, but the City Police Department retained animal control service responsibilities. Efforts will be made to clarify so the people understand who does what for our community – I am told. But, as I understand it right now; PAWS handles facility and intake (in), and police handle calls around the community (out). Which is why change for 1) training and 2) dedicated Animal Control Officer(s) are the most important concerns.

Everyone is supportive of the police and wants to work together so this never happens again. Now is the time to just figure out what those changes look like.

Dana S. Chisholm


Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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