Sunday, March 9, 2025

Highlights from the City Manager’s Weekly Update: New Wastewater Rates, Bike Theft Prevention

Each week, the City of Coronado City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when applicable. Featured below are highlights from that update. The entire City Manager’s Weekly Update can be found on the City’s website.

Wastewater Rates: New wastewater rates, approved this week by the City Council, will go into effect September 1. Wastewater rates have not been raised since 1994. The increase will be a five-year phased plan that will be less impactful to rate payers. The rate increase will generate additional revenue needed to fund operations and maintenance costs as well as future capital projects and appropriate reserves. The City’s wastewater collection and treatment is maintained through a self-supporting utility enterprise fund, operated in much the same way as a private business enterprise. Although the City has reserves in its Wastewater Enterprise Fund, the net financial position of the enterprise has declined in the last three years as costs of operations and maintenance as well as capital costs and depreciation have exceeded revenues. The new fees follow a sewer user rate study that recommended rate adjustments to address the current revenue deficiencies. Click here for a chart showing the new rates.

Bicycle Theft Prevention: Beginning last Sunday, July 13, the Coronado Police Department will have an information area at the Coronado Promenade Concerts in Spreckels Park to share information on bicycle theft prevention. The table will be located by the concert organizers’ table on the C Avenue side of the Park. Please stop by and pick-up information on preventing bicycle thefts and sign up for a chance to win a U-Lock, generously donated by Kryptonite Locks. One U-Lock will be raffled off at each of the remaining concerts.

Permanent Roundabout: This week, construction efforts continued to focus on storm drain improvements, curbs and gutters, and landscaping. Installation of rapid flashing beacons at each crosswalk also got underway this week. The intersection remains closed to through traffic with drivers being detoured around the construction zone. Please remember that Coronado Police Traffic Officers are enforcing existing traffic signs for turning and speed. Please follow the detours and obey all traffic signs in and around the construction area.For more information on the project, this PSA explains the construction of the permanent roundabout on Pomona Avenue. For any other questions, call the City’s Principal Engineer Jim Newton at (619) 522-7313 or send an email to [email protected].

Streets Division Updates: Streets crews have been working on a number of projects around the City. These are the most recent projects:

– Tripping Hazards: Streets Division is tackling 390 street and roadway tripping hazards throughout Coronado with the assistance of a contractor. City staff will be back out again conducting inspections for more tripping hazards throughout Coronado later this year to continue keeping up with raised sidewalks due to trees.

– G Avenue Sidewalk Work: Streets crew removed 1 ½ yards of concrete sidewalk at 315 G Avenue, which was heavily lifted due to tree roots.

– Sixth/Alameda Sidewalk Work: Streets crew removed 2 yards of concrete sidewalk that was lifted by tree roots at the southeast corner of Sixth Street and Alameda Boulevard.

– I Avenue Sidewalk Work: Crews removed 1 ½ yards of lifted sidewalk at 917 I Avenue due to heavy roots. Repairs were made.

Web-based Courses Through the Library: An online series of six-week courses are now being offered for free to Coronado Library card holders. Subjects include accounting, business, computer applications, design, healthcare, language and arts, law and legal, teaching, technology, and writing and publishing. The courses are instructor-led and offered monthly. The next session begins July 16. Here is a link to the Library’s homepage, where you can find a link to the courses:

Upcoming City Meetings:

– The Planning Commission meets at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, at City Hall.

– The Design Review Commission meets at 3 p.m., on Wednesday, July 23, at City Hall.

– The Golf Course Advisory Committee meets at 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 24, at the Golf Course, 2000 Visalia Road.

– RSIP-s Committee meets at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 24, at City Hall.

Thank you to the City of Coronado for making this information available to the public!


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Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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