Sunday, December 15, 2024

Traffic Collision on the Bridge – Expect Traffic Heading East (Off Island)

Police are on scene of a traffic collision east bound on the Coronado Bridge. Only one traffic lane is open east bound and traffic is backed up. You may want to use an alternate route. Above photo shows traffic backed up at Glorietta Blvd. and Visalia Row (in front of Coronado Golf Course entrance).

Update: All lanes now clear.

Access Coronado Bridge Cameras:

1. Click this website:
2. Select the ‘cameras’ box on the top left
3. Select ‘San Diego’
4. Use the ‘+’ sign to zoom in closer to Coronado

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The following information is being provided “as is” to by the City of Coronado as a courtesy to the public. The City does its best to generate useful and accurate information. However, information is susceptible to some degree of error due to the immediate nature of the reporting. Please do not contact the City of Coronado or the Coronado Police Department for additional details. This page will be updated as soon as additional information has been released.


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