Monday, March 10, 2025

Police Blotter Apr. 16 – 22: Motor Stolen off Boat, 17 Bikes Reported Stolen, Business Receives Threatening Phone Call

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Criminal Threats
1300 block of Orange Ave
victim received email from unknown person threatening to kill her if she did not send money

Criminal Threats
800 block of Orange Ave
unknown suspect called business from unknown number and stated they were going to come back tomorrow with a knife and gun, the employee hung up on the caller before any other statements were made

Mail Theft
Glorietta Blvd
Mail stolen from mailbox at residence
Between 4-10 and 4-12

Obtain Money etc. by false pretenses (over $400)
200 block of Alameda Blvd
Unknown suspect obtained money from the victim under false pretenses, suspect told victim a family member was in jail and the money was needed for bail
Total loss: $3,000

Outside Warrant Misdemeanor – Misdemeanor
2000 block of SR 75
suspect arrested, black male age 27 from San Diego

Outside Warrant Misdemeanor – Misdemeanor
700 block of Orange Ave
suspect turned over, Hispanic male age 23 from Coronado

Petty Theft – Misdemeanor
McCain Blvd
Suspect cited and released, white female age 70 from Imperial Beach

Possession of Controlled substance – Felony
300 block of Orange Ave
suspect released per 84, white male age 57 from La Jolla

Disorderly Conduct Misdemeanor
1000 block of 9th St
suspect arrested, white male age 36 from Coronado

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol – Misdemeanor
800 block of 1st St
suspect arrested, white male age 21 from Coronado

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol – Misdemeanor
900 block of 7th St
suspect arrested, white male age 25 from Fresno

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol – Misdemeanor
100 block of Orange Ave
suspect arrested, Hispanic male transient

Felony Bench Warrant of Arrest – Felony
1400 block of 2nd St
suspect arrested, Hispanic male age 21 from Los Angeles

DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs – Misdemeanor
1700 block of Glorietta Blvd
suspect arrested, white male age 24 from San Diego


400 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $200
Between 3-15 and 4-14

400 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $600
Between 4-13 and 4-14

Burglary Unspecified
100 block of G Ave
bicycle stolen from shed
Value: $463
Between 3-30 and 4-13


Grand Theft
Catspaw Cape
Motor stolen from boat
Value: $1,500
Between 3-15 and 4-20

Grand Theft
900 block of 10th St
three bicycles stolen
Value: $1,050
Between 4-13 and 4-14

Grand Theft
200 block of Ocean Blvd
bicycle and helmets stolen
Value: $1,050

Petty Theft
1500 block of 1st St
bicycle stolen
Value: $125

Grand Theft
100 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $1,000
Between 4-15 and 4-16

Petty Theft
700 block of A Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $400
Between 4-20 and 4-21

Petty Theft
100 block of D Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $90
Between 4-9 and 4-10

Petty Theft
300 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $200
Between 4-12 and 4-13

Petty Theft
600 block of 9th St
sunglasses, chain, cables and bag stolen from glove compartment and trunk
Value: $302
Between 4-12 and 4-17

Petty Theft
600 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $100
Between 4-2 and 4-8

Petty Theft
600 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $700

Petty Theft
1500 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $300

Petty Theft
4th St and F Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $150
Between 4-17 and 4-18

Petty Theft
500 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $140


All information for the weekly police blotter is provided by the Coronado Police Department in the weekly press log. The information is gathered and organized into a weekly report provided by This is not a representation of all crimes that occur in Coronado. Some crimes may not be included in the report for various reasons. View reasons a crime may not be included in the weekly police blotter.


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