Sunday, March 9, 2025

Police Blotter December 20-26: $3,800 in Jewelry Stolen from Coronado Residence

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Battery on a spouse or cohabitant
7th St
Verbal argument lead to physical contact, suspect punched victim

Disorderly Conduct: Alcohol
800 block of Orange Ave
Suspect arrested

DUI Alcohol and/or other drugs- Misdemeanor
Possess narcotic controlled substance- Felony
1000 Block of C Ave
Suspect arrested

Drive while license suspended for DUI- Misdemeanor
Give false info to peace officer- Misdemeanor
300 block of Orange Ave
Suspect arrested


Grand Theft Property
400 block of G Ave
Unknown Suspect(s) entered victim’s vehicle and stole several items including: golf clubs, a computer, iPod, and tools
Total Value of Items: $1,125

Grand Theft
Suspect entered victim’s home and stole several pieces of jewelry while victim was out of the country
Total Value of Items Stolen: $ 3,800

Stolen Bicycle

F Ave
Locked bicycle stolen from front porch
Value: $160

Alley of D Ave
Unlocked bicycle stolen
Value: $800

Traffic Collision

6th St near Orange Ave
Vehicle sideswiped stopping vehicle when making a right turn

900 block of Orange Ave
Vehicle rear-ended parked vehicle while reversing


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