Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado Police Blotter (April 15-21, 2009)

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list):

Police blotter (April 15-21) Summaries: -22 arrests (17 more than last week; 8 due to alcohol/drugs/DUI) -2 bikes stolen -4 traffic collisions April 15 -Petty theft at the Naval Exchange. Shoplifting. Security officers made citizen’s arrest until police took the juveniles into custody. (NAB) -Petty theft/retail (McCain Blvd, San Diego) April 16 -Burglary of laptop from Bamboo Yoga studio with forced entry. -Malicious mischief/vandalism (misdemeanor) spray painted retaining wall with graffiti (Coronado Cays) April 18 -Bicycle collision with one rider being taken to hospital (Silver Strand highway) -Outstanding warrant/felony arrest (200 block Orange Ave.) -Discharging propulsion device (900 J Alley) April 19 -Inflict corporal injury on spouse. Man pushed wife 3 times during physical fight and resisted officers as he was taken into custody (1500 block First St.) April 20 – Inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant (900 block Orange Ave.) – Burglary/commercial. Suspects enter business and access both cash registers taking money. Also take security video from VCR. (800 block Orange Ave.) -Inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant. Suspect resist officer with cruelty to another’s animal; violation of court order to prevent domestic violence. April 21 -Possession of narcotic substance (felony) DUI (1000 block of 9th)


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