Summary: -8 arrests -3 bikes stolen -5 traffic collisions March 24 -32 year old male warrant arrest (300 block B Ave) -Burglary of rings from home (Trinidad Bend) – Male terrorist threat over phone to “shoot victim in the head” (Bridgetown Bend) March 25 -32 male disorderedly conduct: alcohol (500 block D Ave.) -Report of domestic violence (700 block Orange Ave.) March 26 -28 year old male violation of parole/felony DUI (100 block E Ave.) -Motorcycle stolen from parking lot (no address given) -Car stolen from bird sanctuary parking lot and recovered in Lakeside on same day. Arrest made. March 27 -15 year old female curfew violation/ drive without license (1500 Orange Ave.) -18 year old male possession drugs/alcohol by minor (1400 Orange Ave.) March 29 -Male battery on person/physical altercation (500 block H Ave) -Male grand theft of mountain bike from trailer on back of car while in transit or parked (Orange Ave.)
Coronado Police Blotter – March 24-29, 2009
Less than 1 min.
Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list):

Coronado Times Staff
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